Chapter Three

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It had been almost a month since their painful parting, and Raven did her best to bury the memories deep within her. She immersed herself in her studies, pouring her energy into her classes and schoolwork, hoping to distract herself from the guilt that gnawed at her conscience. But try as she might, the weight of her words lingered, a constant reminder of the pain she had inflicted upon Garfield.

She often found herself lost in moments of introspection, questioning if there could have been a gentler way to make him understand. She longed for a solution that would allow him to move on without causing him unnecessary hurt. Deep down, she knew it was impossible to have him in her life and still maintain the normalcy she sought. The conflicting desires within her only added to the burden she carried.

Yet, hidden beneath her facade of resolve, there remained a secret longing within her heart. A part of her yearned for the possibility of a life with Garfield, where they could explore their feelings and create something beautiful together. But she swiftly pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that the risks and complexities of such a path were far too great.

So, she persisted in her pursuit of a mundane existence, meticulously adhering to the routines and expectations of a normal college student. She attended lectures, completed assignments, all while keeping a careful distance from anything that could disrupt the facade she had built.

Day by day, she pushed forward, determined to bury her own desires for the sake of her elusive normal life. Yet, deep down, she couldn't help but wonder if she was sacrificing something precious in the process.

Raven left her last class of the day, stepping out of the building and into the warm embrace of a beautiful summer afternoon. The sun cast a golden hue on the campus, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers through the air. Students buzzed around her, their laughter and conversations blending into a harmonious background.

But amidst the hustle and bustle, Raven's footsteps faltered as she felt a familiar presence tugging at her senses. Closing her eyes, she took a moment to center herself, trying to ignore the wave of conflicting emotions that surged within her. She knew exactly whose aura she was sensing, and a part of her had missed it, even against her better judgment. She tightly gripped her textbooks, feeling the weight of her internal struggle intensify. The sigh that escaped her lips carried a blend of frustration and longing, a poignant expression of the complex emotions that churned within her.

With a surge of determination, she turned around abruptly, her textbooks slipping from her grasp and falling to the ground with a dull thud. Her eyes widened in disbelief as they landed on the figure before her. His blond hair, fair complexion, and piercing blue eyes - the physical transformation he had undergone was both unexpected and startling.

"What have you done to yourself!?"

Her heart raced, a mix of surprise and confusion. She hadn't anticipated such a drastic change in his appearance, and it momentarily left her at a loss for words. The sight of him standing there, completely transformed, stirred a multitude of emotions within her.

A proud smirk crept across Garfield's face, illuminating his features as he lifted his hand to reveal the holo ring adorning his finger. The shimmering ring, a testament to Victor's technical wizardry, glistened under the sun's gentle rays. "Vic can be a real pal."

A flurry of thoughts raced through Raven's mind, her gaze shifting from the glow of the holo ring to Garfield's pleased face. The subtle pride etched on his features indicated a sense of accomplishment, as if he had discovered a solution that could bridge the distance between them.

Raven quickly shook her head, her dark locks swaying as she crouched down to retrieve her scattered textbooks from the ground. There was frustration mingled with a tinge of surprise in her expressive eyes. "I didn't ask you to do this." She asserted firmly, her voice laced with a touch of exasperation.

An Attempt At NormalcyWhere stories live. Discover now