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The day was a blur as Remi arrived to work early and checked over her work before leaving it for the rest of the department. There was a message from Tony for her to come up to his lab when she was ready. Once they started on his pet project they both lost track of time. Only when Remi stretched her arms and rubbed her lower back did she realize they had worked into the evening again. As she was stacking some papers on the cart from the previous day Steve walked into the lab wearing sweats and a hoodie. His hair looked a little damp like he had just showered and there was a small bruise on his cheek. Tony conveniently left the lab and left Steve and Remi alone. "Good evening, Dr. Spencer. I saw you were still here and I was hoping you would let me drive you home," he said in a rush.
Remi stopped stacking the papers and considered his offer. It was late and she was tired and a ride home sounded really nice at this point.
"I accept your offer, Steve. I just need to get my jacket," she replied.
They walked in a comfortable silence as they took the elevator down to the parking level. Steve walked her to a black SUV and opened the door for her. He held her bag as she climbed into the massive vehicle. She gave him the address and then took off her glasses to rub at her tired eyes. Steve kept sneaking glances at her, worried that she wasn't getting enough rest.
"You can tell Tony 'no', you know," he said after a while.
"What? Oh, no, it's ok. I just came to work a little earlier than expected today. I'm enjoying the project we're working on," she told him.
Steve gripped the wheel a little tighter as he prepared to ask her when she wanted to go to dinner with him. "So when is a good day for dinner for you?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. Are you free on Saturday? Maybe we could do lunch instead," she suggested.
"That actually sounds like a great idea. I'll pick you up at ten," he told her with a smile.
He pulled up in front of her apartment complex and raced around to her side to open her door. He offered his hand to help her out of the tall SUV. She thanked him for being such a gentleman and then said good night.


It was a sunny autumn day so Remi opted for jeans, T-shirt, and a hoodie. She didn't know where Steve was going to take her but she wanted to go to the park and be outside for a few hours. Steve arrived just as she finished folding some of her laundry. Once Remi was inside the car Steve asked, "What do you want to do today? Did you have something in mind?"
Remi smiled at him. "Actually, I was thinking we could go to the park today and walk around and then find a food truck."
"That sounds like a great idea," Steve said as he smiled back.
They drove a few minutes in comfortable silence as they listened to the radio. Once they got out the car they found some activities to do in the park. They also just people watched and no one really paid attention to Steve, for which he was thankful. Steve noticed the little things about Remi. The way she covered her mouth when she laughed, her smile when she recalled something pleasant, and how she pushed up her glasses frequently. She told him about her family and they sounded like a lively bunch. She was number four of five children; two brothers and two sisters. Some of them helped out with the restaurant and others had their own careers. She was the only academic out of the bunch and still very much the oddball in her family. She was teased often as a child and teen, especially since she went away to school at an early age.
"I can relate to that. Before the serum I was constantly teased and bullied because of my size," Steve said. "For the record, I like being around you," he said as he laid a hand over hers that was on her lap. A blush appeared on his cheeks as Remi felt butterflies in her stomach at his touch.
"I just think different than anyone and sometimes my siblings couldn't handle it. But that's enough about being bullied. Let's go over to the koi pond." Remi stood and Steve grabbed her hand again. It felt natural to her so she let him hold her hand. Remi didn't really know how to feel, other than she liked being around Steve and the way he made her feel. After another hour or so Remi said, "So I need to get going now. I have some work I am going to finish before tonight."
"I know it might be too soon, but can I see you tomorrow?" Steve asked.
Remi paused for a moment and then said, "Yes. I would like that."
Steve smiled and squeezed her hand as they made their way back to his car. "Does dinner sound ok?" He asked her.
"As long as it's an early dinner. I go to be early on Sunday nights since I go to work pretty early. I know, I'm an old lady when it comes to my social hours, but I don't like feeling foggy and tired at work," Remi explained.
Steve nodded his head in understanding. He had spent many sleepless nights in bed or pacing around his apartment simply because he didn't like to go out and party.
Steve dropped her off at her apartment and got her number so he could call her with the details.

Remi left her hair down for her date with Steve since she normally had it braided or in a bun. She wore a simple dress; not too casual but not too fancy as she didn't know where Steve was taking her for dinner. He arrived at 5:00 and took her to a small intimate restaurant not far from the water. They had great conversation and Steve managed to make her laugh. After dinner, Steve offered his arm to Remi as they walked along the docks, watching the sun set. Remi stood in front of a railing, watching the ships come and go. Steve stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he leaned his head down into the crook of her neck. Remi let out a surprised, "oh," as she grasped his arms.
"I hope this is ok," Steve murmured next to her ear. His soft warm breath caused Remi to shiver in anticipation. She could feel the heat radiating off his back and feel his heartbeat racing.
"Mm-hm," she sounded as they continued to watch the ships. Steve turned her to face him as he tilted her head to look at him. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered as he caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.
Remi weakly nodded her head as Steve lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was slow and gentle as they felt each other's lips for the first time. Remi felt her lips tingle with the connection and could taste the wine from dinner along with his own taste. He grasped her neck as he began to deepen the kiss, his tongue connecting with hers. She put her hands on his trim waist as their bodies naturally moved closer to one another. Steve finally ended the kiss, staring down at her face as she smiled. He rested his forehead on hers, just breathing in her scent of vanilla and spice. He was the first to speak. "That was nice..."
Remi cleared her throat and said, "Yes, yes it was." Steve leaned down and pressed his lips to hers again to taste and savor her. Remi let him as she hand't been kissed in a really long time. His kiss was honest and sensual, waking up parts of her she didn't know were asleep. She was the one to end the kiss the second time. "As much as I liked that, I need to get home," she said.
"Of course," Steve replied as he took her hand in his. They walked back to his car and he drove her home. He stole one more kiss from her before he let her walk up to her apartment. He was so happy things seemed to be working out with Remi and that his personal life wasn't in the tabloids. Yet.

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