earlier like on friday me and everest were talking about dating maybe it started with crushes than stuff like that dunno why i also mean the dating like annabeth and piper or sundew and willow
me and abigail played a game on dating we pretended we were 15 we're almost 14 really and also sry about all this dating. also we played harry potter headbandz like scuh-wee! yay!
I WANNA HAVE A POOL PARTY SO BAD and invite everest and abigail ugh its covid so i cant. UGHUGHUHGHUGHUGH.
Ava Abigail's sister is reallywhiny she is 6.
one thing we also dont know how we lived so long it is ugh.
i used to have a bff sally now i hate her
i also knew a clarisse now we dont talk much we're at different schools