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You sat there having your tv dinner with your siblings. Pietro trying to talk you into allowing him to have your desert as always. Wanda swatting his hand away as he reached across the table to the chocolate muffin. You looked at the twins and smiled. You felt content. Though at the same time something felt off. But you weren't about to dwell on that too long and ruin the moment for what could be potentially nothing.

"It's ok Wanda." You said as you slowly cut your little muffin in half and handed the piece to Pietro. You honestly didn't mind. It was a rare occasion when you all got sweet treats and you knew how much your brother loved them.

"I told you that I'm (y/n)'s favorite." He chuckled victoriously as Wanda rolled her eyes before a smile made its way to her lips. Frankly, you would probably give either of them anything they wanted because that was just how much they meant to you.

After dinner, you and Wanda had gone to your shared room to have a deep discussion on what you would all watch tonight since it was her turn to pick. Though you already knew she had her mind made up since she usually picked the same one every time it was her turn. Dick Van Dyke Show, whereas you usually picked I Love Lucy.

"Wanda! (Y/n!)" Pietro's voice echoed through the small apartment.

"Papa's home." the two of you gushed and looked at each other excitedly before racing over to the strong open arms of your father. He hugged the both of you tightly and kissed you each on the cheek. You both smiled and hugged the man tightly. It was always nice to have him back home and safe. Which in turn made you all feel safe and sound.

"It's your turn to pick tonight, Wanda." your father smiled as he led Wanda over to his open briefcase. She glanced over it quickly before shaking her head.

"My pick isn't here." she grinned as your mother stepped over and jokingly placed her hands on Wanda's eyes. "Don't look." she teased. The four of you giggled as your father went over to the tapestry hanging on the far wall. The tapestry covered a hole in the wall that housed an assortment of items. From a few favorite movies to things of value and trinkets.

The five of you settled down in front of the tv as the show began. The opening of the show already bringing the three of you joy. Your mother blowing the three of you a quick kiss from the old couch while wrapped in your father's arms. The three of you sitting cross-legged on the floor.

Contentment, happiness, and gratefulness. To be surrounded by your family.

That didn't last long. It had happened so quickly. One second laughing at a scene and then the next the house went pitch black. A strong force threw you across the room like you were nothing more than a rag doll. Your ears began to ring and your heart was pounding hard as you came to a hard landing bouncing off of a wall. The first shell hit two floors below. You rubbed dust out of your eyes and slowly tried to get up but the impact had left you just a little disorientated. You couldn't see your parents anywhere and that was when the panic had started to set in. The building was falling apart and smoke from the fires began to irritate your lungs. You looked up at where your ceiling should have been but was now the night sky with amplified sounds of war all around and closing in.

Imperfect (Bucky x Reader x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now