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As our classes ended, Soons and I decided to go to our house to do some homeworks and chill.

"Go ahead to my room, I'll get us some drinks and chips first."

Soonyoung excitedly ran upstairs. Tsk, that boy, when will he ever grow up.

I went to the kitchen to get some drinks and chips for us. I was scanning our pantry when I suddenly heard a bang from upstairs. I immediately ran to my room only to find a standing Soonyoung with books and notebooks scattered in front of him.

"Yah, Kwon Soonyoung! What are you doing? Why are my things scattered?"

He slowly faced me with an awkward smile and scratches his cheeks.

"Well, I saw you book piles and I was curious so I decided to look at them and then I saw that small blue notebook you used back then when you still write songs and I wanted to get it but didn't saw that there are books above it so yeah, hehe."

I just breathe deeply to control myself from scolding this best friend of mine.

" Arrange that, I'll just go get our foods and drinks. Once I come back, I want those books and notes to be back where they were placed. "

Soons immediately nod and started placing the books to their shelves.

Why is he so obsessed about me writing songs? It's not like it's that big of a deal.

When I came back, Soonyoung is almost done arranging the books and some of my notes so I just waited for him to finish before telling him to sit beside me.

When he finished arranging, he saw me sitting on the floor so he immediately sat beside me.

"Ji, about the competition, why don't you join? It's really amazing. Also, the prizes are worth it. You'll be exempted from exams and you will also receive a cash prize! It's totally worth it!"

"Soonyoung, me writing songs back then, it's just a phase okay? Im not really good at it, so pleace, just give up about it."

"No you're not NOT good at writing."

I just looked at him and raised my right eyebrows.

"Why do you say so?"

He just smiled, making his eyes disappear. He got something behind him and there I saw the blue notebook he was talking about. Gosh, this guy!

"I saw your notebook and I've read some of your songs. It's really good Ji so why don't you just try it out! It's such a waste if you'll just let these rot here."

I just stared at his smiling face. Will this boy ever give up?

"It's too tiresome okay? And I don't need to be exempted from exams, I can just study. Also, I don't need the cash prize so NO THANKS!"

"But Jiiiii! You're talent shouldn't be put to waste! It's amazing and it's God given so you should use it at least ones in a while!"

Ugh! KWON SOONYOUNG! You really don't know when to give up!

"If I join, what is it for you? I'll be the one getting the price so what's the use of convincing me to do it? "

He just smiled and gave me my notebook.

"I'll tell you next time, but please Ji. This would be my second to the last wish, cause my last would be after you join and win the competition hehehe."

"As if I'd win"

"OFCOOUUURRSSEEE you willlll! Just be confident okay
? And even though you won't agree to join now, you can't do anything about it since I already signed you up after Mr. Xu's class and the President said that once you've signed up, you can't back out already , hehehe. "

God, please make my patience long.

Soonyoung went home by 7, that left me alone in our house again since my parents won't be home till next month.

As I was getting ready to sleep, the thought of writing a song again entered my mind. Will I be able to write a decent song again? What will my parents reaction once they find out? Ugh! Kwoon Soonyoung, you really are a pain sometimes.

I was deep in thoughts that I didn't realize I already fell into a deep sleep.

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