Chapter 2

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(Note: Sorry I time-skipped, I just didn't know what else to write for Yellowstar's kithood.)

          "Yellowkit, please step forward."

          She lightly padded forward, her head held high.

          "Yellowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Yellowpaw. Your mentor will be Ashenlight."

          They touched noses.

          "Ashenlight, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Tarnpatch, and you have shown yourself to be effective and a planner. You will be the mentor of Yellowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Yellowpaw."

          The cats cheered her name.

          Yellowpaw mewed in delight. She never expected the feeling of such pride to be an apprentice, and she wasn't even a warrior yet. Her best friend, Mothpaw, and her siblings were already made apprentices, when she was a kit.

          Ashenlight curled her tail around Yellowpaw. "Your training begins tomorrow. You better get well rested!"

           Yellowpaw bounced, and Ashenlight let out a mrrow of laughter.


          Yellowpaw leapt nimbly onto Ashenlight, or, at least, she thought she did.

          "That was great, Yellowpaw," Ashenlight said. "But you need to be quicker and make sure the enemy isn't able to time your moves."

          Yellowpaw's tail fluffed up. She got back into her stance.

          Ashenlight moved, crouching, from paw to paw. Her ash gray eyes blazed with concentration and determination.

          Yellowpaw leapt onto Ashenlight's tail, plucking only a small hair from it.

          Ashenlight retaliated, flattening Yellowpaw to the ground.

          Claws sheathed, she raked her belly sliding out from underneath Ashenlight.

           It had been a moon since Yellowpaw's apprentice ceremony, and she had gotten good at fighting skills. Because of her size, as she was slightly smaller than the other apprentices, Ashenlight found that fighting was the most important at the moment. She had overheard their conversation, Scorchstar, Pinespeck, Bloomspring and Ashenlight; "Well, I have a question about Yellowk—er, paw. Because she is slightly smaller than the other apprentices, but I mean this with the greatest respect, what are we going to do with her training?" Pinespeck meowed.

          "Yes, I suppose you're right," Bloomspring meowed.

          "What do you think is more important for her to work on in terms of skill?" Ashenlight asked.

          "Maybe fighting. She is smaller, and could be more vulnerable to powerful enemies," Scorchstar said.

          So they worked on fighting for that moon, and helping Smokepatch and Windleap with ticks.

          Yellowpaw reared up and landed a front paw blow on Ashenlight's head, but not too hard.

          Ashenlight pinned Yellowpaw down, moving swiftly.

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