August 2021

160 23 15

Getting over Yoongi was not easy for Sang. It took a lot out of her, luckily, she had great friends to help her through it. One of the things they did was plan a vacation to Jeju island before summer ended. One to love the beach, Sang was very excited to go. She packed a bag with fashionable and not so conventional clothes and a bottle of painkillers because she knew there would be a lot of drinking.

Before dawn she was picked up by her loud and rowdy friends in a limo. Not one to kill the party she cheered with them and got in the long vehicle. She laughed at their craziness and accepted a glass of champagne handed to her.

"Let's make a toast," her old mentor yelled while holding up her glass.

Full of confidence she recited the words to an old movie, but that captured the moment perfectly,"Here's to the men that we love... Here's to the men that love us... But the men that we love will never love us... so fuck all the men... HERE'S TO US!"

Everyone in the limo repeated the words at the top of their lungs promptly swinging the flutes of champagne and downing them. Sang was surrounded by giggles improving her mood a hundred times more. She was sure it was going to be a great weekend perfect to forget about him.

At the airport's terminal Jiwoo sneakily approached her leaning and whispering in her ear, "Will you change seats with me?"

"Why?" Sang asked her. It was strange because her seat was by a stranger while Jiwoo's was by their friends.

"Jia is getting on my nerves today with all of her bragging, I'd rather sit with an old man than her," Jiwoo confessed with a roll of her eyes.

With a laugh Sang agreed, knowing Jia could be a handful at times, but nothing she couldn't handle. She would rather save Jiwoo from her misery.

Inside the plane Sang sat towards the front of the plane with her friends and left Jiwoo to sit in her original place in the back of the plane. When Jiwoo found her seat she felt extremly blessed as there were two handsome men on the same row. She shot them a smile, placed her bag on the top compartment and sat next to them.

"Hello," she told them both to be polite and to see if anything sparked.

"Hey," the one next to her responded. There was another by the window with headphones probably why he didn't respond.

That interaction was enough for Jiwoo to begin a conversation with the man beside her. They spent the short flight talking and making plans to see each other on the island. They wouldn't be staying in the same hotel but in ones that are next to each other. Jiwoo thought he was funny and sweet, his smile lighting up the airplane. There was something familiar about him though and she was sure to get to the bottom of it before the trip ended.

Jungkook lifted his head from the window to see Hoseok animatedly speaking to a woman. He hoped he wasn't planning on making a move; this was supposed to be a trip to forget about women not fall back into their arms and deceiving hearts. Yeah, Jungkook was bitter after finding out his girlfriend was cheating on him. He didn't really hate women but for this weekend he didn't want to know anything about them, he wanted to hangout with his friends and forget all about that witch he loved.

Once the plane landed and they were out on the airport, Sang was searching through her bag for her phone when somebody rudely bumped into her causing her bag to fall. She looked up to see the retreating figure of a man who didn't apologize. He didn't even seem to notice he bumped her. Mad about the disprespect she leaned down to grab the bag when another hand reached out too.

"I'm sorry about him, he's in a pissy mood," a man tells her.

"It's alright," Sang tells him, "At least he has a friend who will fix his path of destruction."

"Yeah, well, it's the least I can do, " the man laughs his eyes turning into half moons, "I'm Jimin and you are?"

He asked for her name in the most flirty way possible his eyes narrowing slightly, tongue licking his lips and voice dropping to a lower tone. A year or more ago she would've flirted back but now with a broken heart and the mentality of forgetting about men she shut down his advances.

"I'm late, my friends are waiting for me, goodbye stranger!" Sang all but ran out of the situation locating her friends in the starbucks of the airport.

Jimin smiled, making his way to his rude friend, Jungkook, who was impatiently waiting for him outside by the taxi.

Each time they get closer and closer to meeting is it the universe's way of saying it'll happen soon? Seven times they've almost met and seven times they've missed. 

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