In The Town

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Tuesday was just like yesterday for Hiro and Karmi.They walked to class while holding hands and worked together when Granville had them do partner assignments.When Hiro and Karmi were dismissed to leave SFIT,they went to the cafe.Both of them looked through the window to see the cafe room.

Karmi:Your aunt isn't in the room.Could she be upstairs?

Hiro:She might be out with Chief Cruz.
She did mention that she might close the cafe early because of him.

Karmi noticed that Megan was sitting at a table in the cafe room.

Karmi:Is that Megan?

Hiro:It is actually.

Hiro and Karmi entered the cafe and sat by Megan.

Megan:Hey.I was wondering when you two would get here.

Karmi:It's been a while hasn't it?

Megan:I'm sure it's been a few weeks. So how was today and yesterday in SFIT been for you two?

Hiro:It's been pretty great.We're going to the SFIT Academy Prom this Friday.

Megan:I've heard about the event.Be sure to tell me how goes.

Karmi:We will.

Megan:So Karmi,I've been curious and I want to ask on how you found about Hiro and and others being what used to be Big Hero 6 since I told you how I found out during our time at the beach.

Karmi:It happened right after Hiro left the summer dance.I went to the cafe because I thought that he would decide to go there.I found him in the garage with his suit on except for his helmet.After I found out that Hiro was part of the hero team,I ran to the park where the summer dance was being held.Hiro eventually found me and he explained how he and the others became the hero team we know them as.We then had a conversation about a few things and we came clean about how we felt about each other and we kissed and got into a relationship.We went to the base which was when I met you.After you and the others left,Hiro offered me to be a member of the team.After I accepted the offer,I worked with Hiro on creating my suit and my equipment.After we were done with that,we did a lot of training.I decided to go with Bio Girl as my hero name and we went back to the cafe.

Megan:That's interesting.What did you guys do then?

Hiro:When we got back to the cafe,I told the others that Karmi agreed to be a part of the team,then me and Karmi watch Kentucky Kaiju.We played a match in Mind Smith II Turbo before we slept for the night.

Megan:Who won the match?

Hiro:Well Karmi lost but to be fair it was her first time.

Karmi:I'm sure I won't lose again,Hiro.I do lots of practice with the mobile version and I took on some very challenging players.

Hiro:Are you challenging me,Karmi?

Karmi:I want a rematch,Hiro.What do you say?

Hiro:Game on,Karmi.

Hiro,Karmi,and Megan went to Hiro's room and Hiro and Karmi played Mind Smith II Turbo.Hiro was surprised when he noticed that Karmi improved much since their very first match on the game. Hiro and Karmi played a total of ten matches and Karmi was only able to beat Hiro on the fifth match.Hiro smirked at the fact that he won nine times while Karmi only won one match.

Karmi:Looks Like you're the winner. Congrats Hiro.

Hiro:Well I'll admit that you did improve a lot since our very first match but I'm still the champ.

Karmi:Cocky much?

Megan:Well thats Hiro for you.

Hiro:So do you two want to watch a movie?

Megan:A movie sounds good.What movie are we going to watch?

Karmi:Can we watch Kentucky Kaiju?

Hiro:We could.Megan?

Megan:I was curious a few times about what happened in the movie.I'll go with yes on that part.

Hiro:Alrighty then.I'll put the movie on.

Hiro put on the movie and the three watched it until the end credits came on.Hiro then turned off the TV.

Megan:Woah.That was both scary and action packed.

Hiro:Hey Karmi,I noticed that you're not as spooked as last time.

Karmi:I'll have you know that the second time of watching a movie like this doesn't scare me like the first time.

Hiro,Karmi,and Megan heard the bell on top of the cafe room door ring.

Hiro:That must Aunt Cass and Cruz.

The three went to the cafe room and they saw Aunt Cass and Chief Cruz.

Aunt Cass:Hey you three.Did you three have a great time?

Megan:We did.

Chief Cruz:Sorry to cut this talk short but we better get back.I got some things I need to do tonight before tomorrow comes.Come on, Megan.

Megan:Bye.Be sure to tell me how the prom goes.

Hiro:We will.

Chief Cruz and Megan left the cafe.

Karmi:I better get going myself.I got some things I want to do before tomorrow.

Aunt Cass:I can drop you off if it's ok with you.

Karmi:Oh you guys can bring me home.

Aunt Cass:Actually my truck is a two seater so Hiro will have to stay here.

Karmi:Well Hiro I'll see you tomorrow.

Hiro:Ok then.Bye Karmi.

Aunt Cass:I'll make dinner when I get back.

Hiro waved goodbye to Karmi until she was out of his sight.When Aunt Cass returned,she made dinner and ate it with Hiro while he told her what happened when him and Karmi got to the cafe earlier.Hiro eventually went to sleep for the night.

Big Hero 6 Back Into SFIT Where stories live. Discover now