The Eyes I Can't Live Without - Part One

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Dear Larry lovers, I came up with this idea for a one shot. I don't know if it is going to work out, but let me just try haha. Let me know if you like it :) And enjoy! Here's part one:


And there he is again. His head moving from the left to the right before crossing the road, as always. The same black coat, the same brown checkered scarf, his hazel hair as gorgeously moving with the wind as any other Sunday before and those eyes as blue as ever with the dull summer sun lightening them.

My heart begins to beat ten times faster like it has always done when I see his small figure walk this way. I can feel the heat taking over my body as he is only moments away from the glass door to the cafe. As I try to wipe some of the melted chocolate off of my hands, I make my way towards the counter -but, of course, knocking over our tip-jar and creating a horrible sound. I kneel and try to clean the mess as fast as possible. I do not want him to see me being so clumsy. Niall drops to his knees as well, helping me put the money back in the jar that fortunately didn't shatter into pieces.

"For God's sake, relax, Harry." the blonde says as he rolls his eyes at me with a grin. Niall and I have been working here for a couple of years. We met in the first year of high school, both needed a job and ended up here. It's a lovely place to just grab a bite with a nice coffee and the owner of this place is a great lad. I really like working here. "Is that 'him' again?" Niall asks, helping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, Niall. Every Sunday. You should know that by now." I grab a hold of the jar and placing it back on the counter.

"Sorry.." Niall says, raising his hands in defense with a laugh. He winks at me and walks over to a table to take a lady's order.

Then I hear the bell above the door; He's here.

He walks in. It's all happening in slow motion to me. He caresses his hand through his hair and he licks his breathtaking lips. Not a second later, he locks eyes with me and I feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, making me want to puke. He walks closer until only the counter in between us separates us from touching. "Hello again," he grins and I gulp.

He comes in here every Sunday. He always orders the exact same thing and sits at the same small wooden table in the corner of our cafe. Sometimes I catch him reading a book, but most of the time, he is writing in something like a journal. I always wonder what's in there. Some Sundays, he's here for hours. Those are the best hours of my entire week. It's only since three months ago that he keeps showing up. And he's making me love my job here even more. This is his twelfth time here to be exact and I'm only falling for him more.

"Hi" I cough nervously, causing him to raise an eyebrow at me. That isn't a first. I shrug it off and ask for his order.

"Usual" he replies. Of course.

I mentally slap myself and turn around to make him his vanilla/gingerbread coffee. When it's done, I place it in front of him. "Here you go," I say quietly. I turn around again and slice him a big piece of carrot cake. "And your slice of cake, of course" My voice is shaking, but I try to hide it with a smile.

He smiles back at me, much to my surprise and hands me the money. I take it, my fingers brushing against the soft skin of his hand for a brief second. I feel my cheeks colour, causing him to grin at me. "Keep the change. And thank you, Curly," he catches me off guard. I don't say another word and watch him take the familiar seat.

I can see his arm muscles tense through his shirt as he takes off his coat. He sits down and I can't help but admire his perfect curves and his touchable bum. When he brings his cup of coffee to his mouth I can't help but imagine how his lips would feel on mine. So soft and so sweet yet rough and mysterious, just like him.

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