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We arrive at the Zikalala home and it's still as breathtaking as it was the first time I was here. It's eerily quiet for mid morning, but we don't want to jump to any conclusions. We walk in hand in hand and my mamazala rushes to us from lord knows where. She gives me the biggest hug. She holds me so close. No words spoken, her affection is in her eyes and touch. She leads me to our room. I'm stunned at what I see it's buzzing in here. There's a rack with about 10 white gowns. 4 people I've never seen.

Me: Ma what is going on?
Ma: Abaphansi bathi today you get married. And I agree.
I smile. I'm a praying woman really. But who am to argue against such a beautiful gesture. We fit a few of the gowns, on the fourth one I won't move on. It's breathtaking. Tracy and my long lost aunt walk in. I really don't like both of them, but right now I'm too happy to care.

I go take a shower and come out lotioned, in my gown and ready for anything. 1 of the people in here is a hairstylist. I get a new weave and a gorgeous up do. Lady 2 is make up. I choose natural instead of 3D. I just don't understand the highlighted nose. I'm put in my beautiful wedding dress, this gown accommodates my munchkins beautifully. I never thought I'd do another ceremony, since our cultural do was over the top. Plus the drama of this year.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a knock and it's one of his sisters.
Her: Thank you for forgiving him. Honestly I wouldn't have. But your guys love has always been one from the gods.
Everything is ready for me. We walk out. I'm a little nervous. We go to the the back of the house. Wow!!
A huge white marquee is set up on the far right, but towards the left there's a smaller make shift chapel. White roses everywhere. It's breathtaking. I'm out of words and out of air. How did they know I would agree to the proposal. My long lost family is on the left, his on the right. I decide to walk myself down the isle

"He keeps on doing great things." By Benjamin Dube comes on as I walk to my man

He holds me so tight, looking deep in my soul we recite our vows. Not a dry eye in the yard. Finally the preacher says.
The the contract signed and we are official.

We go to mama's flower garden for pictures. He looks so yummy right now. He grins
Andile: Why you looking at me like I'm a piece of meat.
Me: 1 Cor 7 v 3 - 5
Andile: Huh
Me: Well it basically says alllllllo this is mine. You ain't allowed to keep it from me and right now I want my pound of flesh.
I grab his member as I say that. He blushes and looks so hot right now.
He's hand keeps going up& down my thigh as we sit through the speeches and dinner. He keeps glancing at me. Oh dear what have I started.

After the festivities we are driven to the airport. The plane lands in Zanzibar and we are driven to a beautiful resort.
We came out for air twice in the 8 days we were there. I just wanted to see the beautiful beaches. They were indeed stunning. We enjoyed our honeymoon. I'm so in love. My husband treats me like a queen. He's still a cry baby. I guess the tears will last till the babies are born.


I miss her, but I decided to live. Yes, she's my soul but if she's happy I won't disturb her peace. It's been a few weeks since I saw her. She married that jerk.

Thandi has moved into her new place. I see Samke twice a week and when necessary. When she gets older, I will cut down the visits. My parents finally know now what transpired between us so my mom pulled the breaks on their relationship. I'm glad they are mourning and healing.

I spend my days at the gym and at work. I was never really a people's person, so this life suits me just fine. There's a new project in Tanzania, my firm offered their partner that side my services, so I'll be gone for a bit. Don't worry about Samke, my mom will bring her for a visit once a month. It's all arranged, I leave in a few days. I'm at peace with my life right now. Doing what my Penny asked me to do, living for me. I wish she could take her own advise though.

Today we are going to my gynae together. I have heard the heartbeats, I just haven't seen the boys. This has indeed been a strange time. We walk in hand in hand. I'm so nervous, I pee in the cup as instructed as we wait my turn. Atleast today I'm not alone. Dr Jacobs welcomes us in and I lie on the bed. There they are? So big now. I'm now 28 weeks and the boys are healthy. Mr here insists they are his. I don't doubt his pronouncement. I won't take out my fingers and count, if they come out looking like Senzo, he will still accept them. I guess they are his because he loves their mommy.

I'm sitting in the lounge watching t.v. Its early morning. Dr Zikalala is at work. He left at the crack of dawn, he schedules all his surgeries for early morning so that he's back by 16:00 latest. Unless there are complications.

There's a knock on the door. I open. Oh it's my husband's slut.
Mpho: Dumela
Me: Yebo
Mpho: I see you've settled in. I'm here to reclaim what is mine.
The whole time she's talking to me while brushing a cute baby bump. Ok all bumps are smaller than mine and look too cute. I can't help but feel jealous.
Me: Sorry dear. Your person will be back in a few hours. Go wait in your car.
I slam the door in her face.


My phone rings, it's my latest makoti. Our special princess. Her journey has not been easy. But I love her.
Me: Princess
Penny: Mama sawubona
Sniff. Sniff.
Me: Penny kwenzakalani?(What's going on)
Her: She is here mama.
Me: Who is there?
Her: Andile's mistress. She is here. She is pregnant. Mama I'm so hurt. How could he do this to me mama.
Me: Wait wait wait dear. Does Andile have a new mistress?
Her: No ma it's Mpho
Me: That evil tramp!!! Look baby please go lie down in your room. I will sort this out.
Just go rest nana ok.
Her: I made her wait in her car. Must I let her in?
Me: She is fine there. Lock the door and go take a nap ok.
Her: Are you sure ma. She is carrying your grandchild.
Me: Yes, I'm sure. Please relax dear. I don't want you developing any complications.
Her: Ok ma I will go rest.

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