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Clover Evans

"Clover." My bosses voice calls, "Sorry." I softly smile at the elderly couple I'm serving, "it was 2 cappuccinos though correct?" I ask before walking off, "Yes dear, thank you." The elder man smiles, nodding I walk off to my boss who's tapping his foot impatiently, "is something wrong?" I ask, "no love, could you take over the cash register for a bit?" He asks, "oh, sure." I smile, nodding he walks back to the back of the cafe. I take my aprin off and begin to take orders.

After the tables begin filling and peek hour is over I take a breath from the continues fake smiles. Looking up almost losing my breath, a gorgeous man stands, he was tall and masculine, brown hair and striking dark blue eyes. "Hi w-what can I get you?" I ask blushing at my stupid stutter. "Black coffee." He says, nodding I type that in, "actually, is it alright if I eat here love?" He asks with his deep voice, meeting his gaze, I nod, "Yeah sure, your coffee will be with you soon." I softly smile, he nods smirking before walking to a table in the back, I could feel his burning gaze on me only making me more flustered.


Finishing up my shift I look to the time. "Jasper!" I call for my boss as I change out of my uniform. "Yes darl?" He asks, "I have a class soon, is it okay if I clock off?" I ask, "oh go for it, I'll call in jasmine." He smiles softly. "Thank you so much!" I smile.
Making one last eye contact with the beautiful blue eyed man I head out of the building.
Shivering at the slight cool breeze I begin to walk to campus not too far from my college.

"Clover!" I look for the familiar voice and see my friend Astrid. "Astrid, Hey." I smile, "hey Clov, you ready for class?" She asks, "oh yeah." I smile. We have our photography and videography class now. "So, I may have something to tell you." She says trying to hide her smile, "go on." I chuckle, "me and Jordan are hooking up." She covers her face, "what?!" I screech, "I know! It was totally last minute thing, you know how we've had a thing, well we kind of just ended up having sex and he said he really liked it." She blushes, "so he asked me if we could be sex partners." She giggles, "oh my gosh, that's... good? How are you going to hide your emotions?" I ask carefully. "That's the thing, I'm not sure, because if he gets bored of me, I'll be a wreck." She whines.

"You should get out more." She says, I frown, "I mean, don't you think you should start letting loose? You've only been with Adam." She shrugs, "are you saying I should start having sex more?" I raise an eyebrow, "I mean, sure." She chuckles, frowning, maybe I don't.. want sex at the moment?? I never even reached climax with Adam, I've lost all hope, and so what I've only had sex with one person? "Whatever." I dismiss. "Hey, I'm sorry." Astrid admits.


Class was awkward, after that conversation with Astrid I couldn't help but be mad, why does she always insist I should have more sex? Maybe I like doing it with someone I like? Sighing I hear the voice of a person I've dreaded seeing, it's Adam, he's talking to a group of his friends, I haven't talked to him since the day I broke up with him, he's tried to find me but I bought my own tiny apartment somewhere away from campus and I hide whenever he comes to the cafe.

Quickly, I turn the other direction, "Clovi?" Oh god, I pale at the sound of the nickname. "Hey clover?" He grabs my shoulder, flinching I step back, "don't touch me Adam." I glare at him, "where have you been? Why has your dorm mate said you moved?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowing angrily. He's getting mad. Great. "I've gotta go. Don't talk to me." I gulp, "clovi, I said I was sorry you know I love you, I mean, how much time do you want?!" He raises his voice. Speeding up knowing he's following me I walk away faster, down a city street past a fancy as building, I bump into a firm chest. "I'm sorry." I meet eyes with the man from the cafe, he's dressed in a business suit and tie.
Before he could say anything I nod looking back. "Are you okay miss?" His dangerously beautiful voice asks. "Y-yes, I have to go, I'm so sorry." I say again before running off.


I have officially lost Adam, I ran into a random building and watched him run past, the creep was following me. I'm now back at home with my cat Pluto. I never thought I'd become a cat person, I've always loved dogs, but I think it'd be cruel to keep a dog inside this tiny apartment. He looks up with me and his doe eyes and I couldn't help but smile.
"At least you'll never betray me." I sigh petting his small head.

I take out my camera and snap a photo of Pluto, he's adorable. I can put this in my photography project. We have to make a complete rainbow aesthetic book, and I'm going for a more soft look, I know this is where me an Astrid are opposite people, she's going for neon colours, I'm going for soft.

I'll add this photo of Pluto to the black page.

I'll add this photo of Pluto to the black page

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Smiling down at him my mind wonders to the blue eyed man from the cafe

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Smiling down at him my mind wonders to the blue eyed man from the cafe. He is extremely attractive and intimidating, he screams filthy rich. Though the way the shirt hugged his body, the way his brown hair sat, the way his blue eyes traveled around the room. He was gorgeous.

Astrid: hey babe, I'm really sorry about earlier today, I have no right to tell you who and when you should be sleeping with people, I love you.

Smiling at the simple message, I type back a thank you and I love you, I was still mad, but I couldn't let her think I hated her, cause I do love her, she just crosses a line sometimes.

Hey all, I've decided to post Only Angel as a knew story, I'll be doing this along with Another life. So don't worry I will no discontinue Another life I will still be going ahead with it, but as well as posting Only Angel.


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