Real Test of Fear

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Quirk training begins today! The teachers at UA don’t believe in beauty sleep. Unless you’re Mr. Aizawa…

Class 1B was at the training camp too so the two classes combined were put to work early in the morning. The two teachers, along with the Pussycats, set up every student with a task that will push the limits of their quirk. Examples would be with Todoroki sitting in a barrel and having to simultaneously freezing the water and boiling it or Momo constantly eating sweets and creating items.

As for myself, well, let's just say the teachers decided on having me stand near the half and half boy. Since the conditions of my quirk depended on my hydration levels and the air pressure around me, Todoroki is the only one that can use his quirk to affect the air pressure around me.

I get what they were going for… but this just seemed awkward. Anyways, my task was to constantly increase and decrease my levitation level causing me to use my quirk at different capacities in the different air pressure temperatures.

Truth be told, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I mean, I’ve worked in different temperature pressure levels before but not in a constant inconsistent manner.

After a few hours of this training we were told we could break for lunch and thank All Might for that. Immediately I fell to the ground and just laid there for a good solid 2 minutes, eyes closed. I was exhausted, my hands and feet were sore, and I was mightily thirsty. It wasn’t until a shadow crossed my face that I finally opened my eyes once again.

I looked at the cause for the shadow and instantly my eyes locked with emerald ones. The boy himself was exhausted, sweat glistening against his skin, hands slightly shaking, breathing heavy. A blush lightly dusted my cheeks but it didn’t show much as my face was already sorta red from the heat and sun.

“Need a hand?” The boy said, reaching out his hand to help lift me off the ground. Against my body’s wishes, I take his hand and he practically lifts me off the ground effortlessly. The sudden movement to stand mixed with the dehydration settling in, caused the ground to look like it needed a hug.

Before I can give in to the ground’s request an arm sneaks around my waist and adds support to my weight. 

"Woah! Are you okay?!" 

I look up to the greenette with tired eyes, "Yeah… I just got up too fast…” 

He sighs in relief and shifts his hold around me. Deku helps me over to a bench underneath the shade and walks away. I thought he was going to help make lunch and wasn’t gonna return but not even 5 minutes later he came back with two water bottles. He handed one to me and all I could do was give a grateful look before practically ripping the cap off and chugging the water my body so desperately needed. Deku chuckles softly before taking a drink from his own bottle. 

“Thank you Deku, You didn’t have to help me but you did… and you brought me some water.” I would’ve gotten up eventually, but I probably would’ve missed lunch by then so I’m grateful he came over but sometimes it feels he is always helping me…

“No problem (y/n)-Chan! I figured you’d be close to dehydration since you mentioned before that, that’s a side effect of using your quick to long.”

Wow… this kid really remembers anything and everything spoken to him about quirks. He takes another drink and I take the time to really get a good look at him. His hands were still slightly shaking and on closer inspection it could be seen tiny bruises starting to form and his knuckles were red. I wonder what his training entailed.

Deku’s body flinched and it was then I realized I unconsciously reached out and gently traced my fingers along the scar on his hand. I quickly pulled my hand back.

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