Chapter 11: The Uzumaki Twins Arrive!

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(So uhhhhhhhhhh that was a blow out of voting. Most of you guys already know who won. It's crazy how many people voted the winner. Anyway thank you guys so much for actually voting and making this easier for me. The winner of the vote and your love Interest is still gonna be........ Ino! It was a blow out of votes and it was impossible for others to win. Also this story has now 13k reads!!!! Thank you guys so much for supporting me and going through some of my errors and writing. I have so much in store for this story your gonna be so surprised. Anyway let's get into the long awaited Chapter 11!)

In The Forest
Naruto and Y/n were running as fast as they could to get to the bridge. They were running from tree to tree hoping they weren't late.

Naruto: Ah. I really hope we're not too late.

Y/n: I know 'cause I have a bad feeling something is happening on the Bridge and we're missing it.

At The Bridge
Little did Y/n know he was right. Team 7 and Tazuna were standing there glaring at Zabuza and Haku. Kakashi had put his hands in his pockets looking at the two of them.

Kakashi: Well, well. So I had it right. It was all an act.

Tazuna raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Tazuna: An act?

Kakashi: With a cute little mask.

Sakura gasped in surprise and Sasuke scoffed.

Sasuke: Big phony. Ha.

Tazuna: So I guess all that about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was just a bunch of bull.

Kakashi: They look pretty chummy to me. I'd say they've been pulling scams like that for a long time.

Sakura put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

Sakura: He's got some nerve, facing us again after pulling that trick.

Tazuna: Like your gonna do anything.

Kakashi then shook his head as well in a disappointed manner.

Kakashi: And hiding behind a mask. Who does he think he's fooling?

Sakura then turned her head to her sensei and cleared her throat with a sweat drop.

Sakura: Ahem. Speak for yourself, Sensei.

Sasuke then took a step forward with a glare that could kill if it could.

Sasuke: That's it. I'm taking him out. Who does he think he's fooling, hiding behind that mask like some sort of clown?

Sakura then looked at Sasuke with a blush.

Sakura: Sasuke, you're so cool.

Kakashi deadpanned and slumped his shoulders.

Kakashi: Wait a second. Didn't I just say that? She'll never change.

Haku then looked at Sasuke.

Haku: He's impressive.

Zabuza: Hmph.

Haku: Even though they were just one-tenth the strength of the original water clone jutsu, he did destroy them all.

Zabuza then looked at Haku.

Zabuza: That move still gave us the first advantage. Now use it.

Haku nodded in acknowledgement of the order.

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