Till the next Virgo Constellation in the Sky

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Till the next Virgo Constellation in the Sky

Duke Matteo Carvajal x Purse Hazel Alfonso

Watching the night sky felt different this time, that you are no longer mine. I am forgotten, but you were not. You are just a painful memory of mine till now, but am I to you? No, because I am just the forgotten one, as always.

At the most painful time of my life I thought of giving up and ending my own life, but not until I met your beautiful almond eyes. I am lying down on the grasses in our Subdivision's Park no one else is here beside me. I went here thinking that I can run from reality even just for hours. This place calms me down, watching the stars shine bright in the sky hoping I could be them. As I watched them carefully, I found Spica, the brightest star within the Virgo Constellation. I smiled when I found it. Once it catches your naked eye, you can easily found the group of stars forming a Virgo Constellation. I raised my right hand, and traced its patterns, put my hand down, and closed my eyes.

As I closed my eyes, I want to end it, my life. I am tired.

As I opened my eyes there's a single tear dropped, then I saw her.

"Hey." She said and smiled brightly. She was looking down at me from the opposite side. I first noticed her eyes, it was a beautiful almond amber-colored eyes. It doesn't look like the color of the stars, but the moment I saw it, it was the prettiest.

Her eyes calm me, her genuine smile comforts me, and her pure heart heals me.

After the night that I poured my emotions out, tell her my worries and problems in life, my life is now at ease. They said that it was a different feeling venting out to a stranger because they won't judge you easily. And I can attest to that, she only listened and don't judge how I feel and act. The girl whom I just met, how genuinely beautiful you are.

The day after that night, same time, I am lying down again on the grass watching the sky but not alone, cause I'm with her. These feelings that I am feeling right now are new to me, and I am glad I can feel those. Days after days our routine continues, I don't know why but I am glad that she's willing to make a memory with me every single day. By the way, I am Duke, and the girl who's bearing the prettiest amber eyes named Purse.

The days we spent are everything to me. Aside from the Park in our Subdivision as our meeting place, we planned out our weekend with a trip. We went to National Planetarium in Manila. This was not the first time I went here, but my feeling of adoration to this place really never ends, it always mesmerized me. Especially seeing this girl in front of me stunned because of the beauty reached by her eyes. But again, she is the prettiest. We went home after a couple of hours and decided to meet later at our meet place.

As I wait for her, I remember it was the 15th  day since I met her, exactly today is April 4, 2059.

"You like Zodiac Constellations, right?" Purse asked while staring at the night sky.

"Yes. It started when I can't take my problems anymore when no one comes for me. But when I looked up in the sky the star shines so brightly for me, like they were telling me that 'Duke, we've been watching you all the time, cheer up. And yeah, the day also came that I met my star."

"So... can you tell me more about them?" now, she faced me with her smile. 

"Look at that, what was the name of that star?"

She's pointing Spica.

"Oh, that's Spica. It was the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo. Virgo can be easily found through this star, cause once you found Spica, you can trace the other stars that form to be a Virgo Constellation." Like the Spica, once I met your eyes I easily tell that you're the girl I want.

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