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As I applied a thin coat of mascara to my lashes, someone pounded on my door. Pounding was never good. It meant I was in trouble. After the stunt I'd pulled, I wasn't surprised. Actually, that wasn't true. I'd assumed the deafening knocks would've come earlier. Then again, I'd been helping Evelyn out in the kitchen, so maybe my haters hadn't known where to find me.

Lips squeezed into a smile to hide my hammering heart, I drew the door open. My rigid lips slackened. I'd expected Jeb or Everest.

I leaned against my bedroom door, draping on an air of boredom. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Liam?"

He shoved past me.

I pressed away from the door but didn't close it. "Come right on in..."

He whirled on me. "What the hell was that?"

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you seriously entertaining the idea of challenging me?"

"Oh. That." I strolled back into my bathroom and lined the insides of my lower lids with kohl.

Oblivion irritated people. I had every intention of irritating Liam and trampling his inflated ego.

He filled the open doorway, eyes flashing to mine in the mirror.

"I'm thinking about it," I said sweetly.

"If it's just to get into the pack, I'll consider your candidacy once I'm Alpha."

"How generous of you." I tossed my eyeliner into my makeup bag and spun, leaning back against the cold porcelain sink top and crossing my arms.

He lowered his brows. "Do not go against me."

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" I walked up to him and jabbed my finger into his chest. "I lost both my parents andwas forced to come back to this hellhole where people look down on me because I wasn't born with the right blend of chromosomes. What exactly do you think you can do that will hurt me, huh?"

He stared down at my finger. Stepped back so it fell off his rock-hard chest. "I wouldn't hurt you, but you'll lose."

"You don't think very highly of me, do you?"

His eyes darkened.

"What if you lose?" I asked.

"I won't."

I hadn't decided what to do yet, but that...that decided me. "I see cockiness runs in the Kolane family."

He scowled as he backed out of my bedroom. "You know what? Go for it. Challenge me." He rolled his fingers into fists and cracked his knuckles. "It'll be my pleasure to teach you a little humility."

I felt the color rise in my cheeks. When he left, I slammed my door shut and stared at the wood paneling until my breathing no longer came in rough pants.

I debated a long while whether to head down to dinner. Going would show Liam I didn't care that he'd come inside my bedroom to threaten me. But going also meant having to bust out small talk, and I was in too foul a mood to carry on any conversations.

I yanked off my jeans and black swing top, then pulled on leggings, sneakers, and an exercise bra. Sticking my hair into a ponytail, I tore through the empty hallway, down the deserted stairs, and straight for the cavernous gym.

I shut the door then flooded the room with light and music. I dragged the dummy from where it lurked in the shadowy corner like a stalker and thrust my hands into a pair of boxing gloves. Jeb and Lucy stocked this place with more exercise gear than the shoddy gym I'd spent hours in before Mom got sick.

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