Chapter 10

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"Rise and shine, Tommo!"   

Liam yanks the curtains open, and although Louis hasn't actually slept, it's still fucking annoying. Liam grabs his bag and heads for the shower, while Louis pulls the duvet over his head and groans unhappily into it.   

He feels a weight next to him, dipping the mattress, and a hand slipping under the covers and around his waist. Harry lifts the duvet from his face and tilts his head at him. 

"Bad sleep?"  

"Something like that," Louis mumbles, a sleepy half-smile on his face.   

Harrys eyes glitter in the morning light, but he fits a heavier gaze on Louis and moves closer, Louis tries to stay calm when Harrys hands around his waist press harder. It's very distracting. "Wanna talk?"  

Louis shakes his head, smiling as convincingly as he can, he tilts his head forward on the pillow and touches their lips together, holding the back of Harry's neck and keeping him there in a lingering kiss.   

Harry groans and leans over Louis, kissing him hard, mumbling against his mouth, "you're distracting me."  

"I'm not," Louis presses his lips to the corner of Harry's, "we're fine."  

Harry pulls back a little, searching Louis' face, his necklaces dangling in front of him. "Are you sure? Because you usually sleep like a baby after you orgasm, it's like, proper science that people sleep better when they–"  

"These facts are really turning me on,"  

Harry giggles, rolling back onto his side. "We learnt all about hormones in class the other day,"  

"Right," Louis says, smiling, and hoping dearly that this topic was avoided. He reluctantly pushes himself up from the bed, sitting on the edge, feeling Harry shift up behind him and nuzzle against the back of his neck, kissing him there. Louis shivers. "Leave me be, you giant excuse of a human being,"  

He feels Harry smiling against him and palms sliding over him, in an attempt to pull him back down.   

"I need to shower," Louis says, in a half-assed attempt to get out of Harry's grip.   

Harry twists his hands in Louis' from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder. "Liam's in there, unless – oh is that what this is? You and Liam?"   

Louis snorts and lets go of Harry, getting to his feet. "Shut up. There's another bathroom down the hall."  

"Okay, careful you don't get lost!" Harry calls after him, grinning stupidly as Louis grabs his bag and heads out.   

In the bathroom, he locks the door behind him and leans against the wall, pressing his hands to his face as if that will suppress everything he's feeling. God, he needs to chill the fuck out. He runs water through his hands and scrubs it over his face, his breathing all jumpy and constricted, he doesn't know why, he's completely fine. Its just. Its just like none of it's real – he's never had anything be real, or be much of anything. Aiden was something, he thinks – or. Or he wanted him to be. But that wasn't real either, even his own mother made sure to tell him that when The Break Up happened.

Who says that to their own son?  Who imposes their own bitterness onto their kid and invalidates their feelings like that?  

Louis squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block it out, so hard that he can feel it start to sting.   

I'm proper fucked up now, Louis thinks, wanting her to hear him. I hope you're happy.   

And now she's getting married and trying to seek some sort of forgiveness to clear her slate through a text. And Louis was actually considering accepting that as enough. Wow.   

Lets Cross The Lines We Lost {L.S} (Not My Work)Where stories live. Discover now