~captain of the team~

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Follow me on my Instagram @ jungkookiewrites where all my completed stories are.

"Alright boys we got a big game ahead of us next week so let's train to the fullest."
"Yes coach." Shouted back the boys football team of your highschool, determined to win that trophy. Your school wasn't the best at football when it came to competing. But this year they wanted to make a change. They wanted to become the top, the top of every other highschool.

You sat on bleachers watching the training intensely. Watching their weakness' and strengths, the abilities they were good at. You must admit they improved so much more than last year. Ever since a specific Jeon Jungkook joined the football team. He was really good at football which inspired the other boys in the team to be good at it too. With his insane tactics he instantly became the captain of the team.

With the sun starting to set creating golden hour and the light breeze starting to commence hitting your body creating little goosebumps all over it, the football training started to finish.
"Here take the water bottle, I know you're thirsty."
"Still leaching on to me I see", said Jungkook with a cocky grin on his face. You scowled at him.
"Fine then don't take it if you don't want it, I'll drink it then." You were going to open the lid of the bottle, whenJungkook snatched the bottle off your hand, a few drops of water falling on the ground.
"If that water fell on me you'd be dead meat Jeon." You acted like you were angry when you really weren't. Jungkook just laughed it off chugging the water down his throat, he didn't even realize how thirsty he was.

You and Jungkook have a love hate relationship. You guys are enemies one second and best friends the next. You took a mini towel wiping Jungkook's sweat off his face and neck without the both of you speaking, just some faint shouts in the background. This was a usual thing for you to do, you did it everyday and you didn't really mind it. As long as he played properly that's all you cared about. You really focused on the boy's football team. The reason for this is because a few years back your school used to be the best, you always won every tournament. However students had to graduate and leave the school and a new coach replaced the old coach. And you wanted to put your school back to the top where it belonged, it was a promise you made to yourself.

"Come on boys time to hit the showers then you can head home!" Yelled the coach so everyone who was present in the pitch could hear it. The boys ran to the the changing rooms eager to go home after a long day of practicing, with their legs feeling all shaky from the intense practice.
"Go on smelly boy", you told Jungkook with a smile on your face.
"Hey I don't smell". Jungkook ran to the changing rooms.
"Hey Y/N." You looked towards who was calling you and it was the football teams coach.
"Yes coach?"
"How do you think the training went?"
"Lots of improvement I witnessed today."
"Ah that's good, oh can you please give these shin pads to Jungkook he forgot it." You nodded your head obedientaly grabbing the shin pads off the coach's grasp heading your way to the boys changing room.
"Ugh how forgetful is that boy?" You muttered under your breath.

You almost reached the boys changing room when you realised - how were you going to get in? There were like 20 boys there changing, showering and some maybe have no clothes on. You walked up to the door and decided to do the first thing that came in your mind. You knocked on the door. And you were right no one answered, obviously how could they when the door is so thick and there are so many sounds going off in there. Boys shouting, laughing and chanting and showers going off that's what you could hear on the other side of the door. Then a brilliant idea came to you, you thought of messaging Jungkook.
"Come on reply back Jeon." You were losing your patience after waiting for 5 minutes. You thought of your last option which was to enter the room. You took a deep breath before placing one of your hand on the handle with the shin pads on the other hand.

"Ahhhhhh", You heard a high pitched scream which caused you to flinch hard.
"Who is that girl?"
"At least she has her eyes closed so she can't see the most of us who are naked." As soon as one of the boys said that everyone started to panic wear their clothes.
"That's Jeon's girl."
"Ewww I'm not his girl for your information." You quickly said disgusted of the misunderstandment.
"Y/N what are you doing here when there are boys changing." You were instantly familiar with the voice.
"And why are your eyes closed you're going to get hurt somewhere." He said concerned.
"Jungkook you idiot you forgot your stupid shin pads and coach told me to give them to you, I knocked on the door about hundred times and no one answered, I texted and called you so many times but you didn't answer so this was the only option!!" You yelled loudly so the whole room of boys could hear you. After you finished your sentence the room fell quiet, everyone was too shocked to speak.

"Now take your shin pads", you said quietly this time. You thought Jungkook was going to take it when you felt him dragging you somewhere.
"Hey Jungkook were are you-" you couldn't finish your sentence off when your body was suddenly pushed against the wall. You accidentally opened your eyes due to the impact and saw the most unholy sight. It was Jungkook who only had a towel wrapped around his waist with his abs on full display and his hair wet with water dripping from the tips. His hands on both sides of your head trapping you as he was dangerously close to you.
"What are you doing in the hallways half naked, people are going to think something different you idiot."  You whisper yelled at him cursing him for dragging you out like that.
"Let them." That was all he said with his dark husky voice. After that no one talked, Jungkook was just staring at your eyes more like your soul. But of course you had to ruin the moment.
"Yah you're disgusting water is falling on my face move away from me." Your hand came in contact with his lightly tanned honey skin, roughly pushing him away from you. Jungkook chuckled at your feisty self.
"Shout like that again and I'll make you shout louder." He said before running away holding onto his towel. You just stood there your whole form numb from what he said.
"Yah look that stupid boy making me flustered," you kissed your teeth trying to calm down.
"How dare he." You continued talking to yourself heading back to the bleachers to get your bag and jacket.

"Come on Y/N let's go."
"Are you sure you didn't forget anything Jungkook?" You said because know how forgetful he is.
"Erm no, I have everything." You headed to his car and sat down getting comfy.
"Yah when was the last time you cleaned your car it looks like I just entered a jungle."
"You can clean it if your so bothered."
"Hey what do you take me as you bloody maid?!"
"If you want to be." He said with a smug look. You started to hit his arm getting annoyed by him while he laughed at your red angry face.

Whilst Jungkook was driving the both of you home he suddenly yelled something startling your sleepy and tired form. You were going to shout at him when he said something which made you happy.
"Let's eat pizza Y/N I'm hungry."
"Yeah let's get pizza, this is the first time you said something good Jungkook, keep it up." You smiled at him sarcastically. Jungkook rolled his eyes at you.
"Just for that you're paying now."
"No you came up with the idea so you're paying." While on the way to get some pizza you both bickered about who would pay for it.

"Y/N you're finally home. Oh hello Jungkook". You both greeted your mother as you took your shoes and bag off. Jungkook headed back to his car and drove home.
"Are you hungry Y/N?"
"No mom I'm not hungry, I just ate with Jungkook a few minutes ago you said tiredly just wanting to sleep."
"Okay sweetie." You headed upstairs going to the bathroom. You stripped out of your clothes and turned the shower on. After you did your routine you felt all fresh and headed to your bed getting under the covers closing your eyes for a bit.

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