Chapter 4 Part 2

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Here is the second part, enjoy! Also the dialogues might not be the same but similar.

Erica's POV

I sat next to Ben while mentally screaming with joy but having my cold face up. Mom and Jane sat in the front, while Jane drives, mom manned the shotgun. Dad and Ben's dad sat in the front of us. After about 30 minutes of driving. Mom said, "Should we talk about the little incident that happened?" I instantly know what she is talking about and turned red. I mean I am happy that I get to cuddle around Ben and sleep with him. 

"But you said you will only tell Alexander!" Ben and I said at the seem time both looking embarrassed.

"Well since your parents are here Benjamin, we should let them know what is happening." Mom said. Oh no, what if Ben's parents doesn't approve of our relationship or even if they agree, they will tell our other classmates. So letting them know either way is not a good idea.

"What is it Ben?" Ben's dad asked.

"Since when did you and mom join MI6 and since when did you guys have a British accent?" Ben asked.

"Well, before we went to America, we were in the MI6 academy. Your mom and I as well as Catherine are in the same group for the entrance exam. Seeing that we are in the British intelligence, we sure do have a accent." Ben's dad replied. "Also, does the incident have to do with Erica, if so then spill."

Well that caught me a bit off guard. "Uhhhhh," we both stammered out.

" Well I got one answer and that is it got to do with Erica." Ben's dad said, "So did Catherine caught you two making out or doing something embarrassing?"

I wasn't going to answer but Ben stammered out, "No-no, we weren't making out, w-we just slept together, that's all, nothing inappropriate." I shot him a glare for spilling the beans so easily but was mentally blushing. After all, I asked him to sleep with me, I was not the first to wake up and let my mom discover that we were sleeping together.

Every adult laughed and Jane said, "So I guess that you two are in a relationship now? I approve of the relationship if you two want to have one."

"We also support you relationship if you two want to have one." dad said.

"Totally," mom said, then she dropped another bomb that want me to hate Zoe. Mom said, " Also there has been quite a bit of competition lately."

"What is it?" Jane asked excitedly. Oh please no mom, please don't say it.

"There has been another girl fighting with Erica for Ben!" Mom and dad said at the same time. This made me hate Zoe more. After her betrayal, after all she had done to us, she then started to hit on Ben again because she still liked him. Is she that stupid that she doesn't know that Ben and her can't be a thing anymore? 

Ben's dad raised an eyebrow and said, "Seems like your really popular in the school and in spy business Ben.

Ben just blushed and replied with a simple, "Well, I did defeat a whole entire evil organization and went on a lot of missions while in my 2 years in the academy." 

"Yes, we've heard of your achievements. If you didn't get accepted in the CIA, we need to bring you to Britain for you to join the MI6." Jane said.

"Wait so I am a legacy?" Ben asked. I was confused, so Ben's math skills were from his dad, or his mom. Even if he is a legacy, why does he have the fighting skills of a wet paper tissue?

"Yes," said Jane  snapping me out of my thoughts. "So are you two in a relationship or not?" She asked a bit slyly. Every single adult chimed in agreement. I turned in a more deep color red and Ben said that if I want one, we can be in one.

I tried avoiding it by saying, "What made you think that we are in a relationship?"

Mom replied with confidence, "Well, I found you cuddling Ben and a simple question, have you two kissed?" All the adults ooooooooh-ed while our faced turned beet red. "There you go, if you guys kissed how come no one talked about it like your classmates?"

"Uhhhhhh w-well, y-you s-see." Ben stammered out.

" Stop trying to stall time Ben, just spill." Ben's dad said.

"Alright alright," I some how spoke up. "Dad, remember Vail?"

"Yes, that is the mission where Ben have to get close to Jessica Shang and find out what Leo Shang is up to." Dad replied.

"When we were defusing the nuke, the time didn't stop so I-I-I kissed Ben." I managed to say it out loud.

"It was only to make my last seconds on Earth feel better." Ben supported so that they don't get any funny ideas even though that is only partly true.

"Really?" Jane said, crap she saw past it. "Erica, tell Jane if that is true or you just don't want to get Ben's hopes too high."

"Uhhhhh" I stammered, frick I hate it, I don't want to spill the beans. "I-I-I, uhhh, it wasn't to get Ben's hopes too high and not true. I don't want my last seconds on Earth to be terrifying and I kind of liked Ben back then so I-I-I kissed him." I stammered out and looked at Ben, he was mind-blown that I liked him back then and I can kind of see why.

"See, a true pairing in heaven!" Mom said then winked at dad and Ben's dad. Something disturbing happened because my dad shoved me on Ben and Ben's Dad shoved him on me so we were kissing. Ben tried to struggle away but failed miserably. I wasn't complaining so I fake struggled. I am kind of happy that I am kissing Ben again and mom was snapping pictures either for memory or blackmail purposes. Mom took pictures using all of the adult's phones.

After what felt like hours, we pulled up in front of the hotel and the adults walked out happily while me and Ben walked out deep red and blushing. The rest of the people not in our car wondered what is wrong and me and Ben yelled, "MOM, DAD!!!" They agree to tell only a little bit bit we yelled, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They agreed to not say a word.

There is the ending and I might write them going out on a date even.

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