Ch.1 cafe

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Ashley and Ric went to the town and went yo their favourite cafe. Ric went to get food from the grill while Ashley went to get a coffee from the cafe. when she was ordering she felt eyes on her. She turned around and she saw a blonde girl and a brunette girl. she smiled at them and grabbed her coffee.

"How can I help two witches?" she asked as she walked to a table.

"How did you know?" the brunette girl asked, following me.

"Im a witch and a werewolf. I can smell you and I can sense you are very powerful," Ashley told them.

"Um..are you the headmistress of the Salvatore School for the young and gifted?" the blonde girl asked.

"Yes I am. Did you want to enroll somebody?"

"Yes! my niece," she told her.

"Okay. Do you mind coming tomorrow about half 2? So we can give her a tour around and do all the paperwork?"

"Yes that's great. By the way my name is Davina," the brunette told Ashley.

"My name is Freya," the blonde told her.

"Well nice to meet you. I'm Ashley. I have to go now, look forward for tomorrow. bye."

Ashley then walked out to find Ric. "Hey, tomorrow we have a meeting at half 2," she told him.

"With who," he asked her.

"With a new student," she said.

"Oh okay, where the kids going?" Ric wondered.

"um..Stefan is taking them shopping," she replied looking at her phone.

"All by his self? Wow," he said. She laughed and they then went back to the school.

Ashley Salvatore-ForbesWhere stories live. Discover now