Chapter 11

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Title: Price to Pay

Muscle man: “Fuck! I’m tired of this shit. My life has revolved around this man" points a gun at Dragon. "and a stupid God none of us has ever seen”.

He clocks his AK47 and points it at Dragon G. Dragon bursts into laughter and continues drawing from his Cohiba cigar watching the whole action play out.

Muscle man: “If any of you make a move, I’ll blow his head clean off! I’m freeing this innocent young lady”.
Body guards immediately react and get into position. Charging their pistols and pointing at Mr muscles.

Zungu: “You’ll do no such thing Kedra!” Kedra was a name they used to call each other. It means brother.

He tells me to run and not look back. I immediately took off leaving my clothes and phone behind. Not up to 30 Seconds into my escape, I started hearing gunshots thinking I was being shot at. I ran even faster to a point I couldn’t even feel the stones and thorns penetrating my feet.

I had been running for close to 20 minutes, I finally stumbled upon a road. I stopped for a second to catch my breath. My feet were bleeding from cuts, my knees were failing me and I couldn’t stop praying for mama to give me the strength I needed to keep going. I was just wishing I come across a patrol station or maybe a truck driver who’ll pick me up. I didn’t know where I was, Vusi and I have never been in this area. It’s just factories and mine fields. I spotted a house from a far distance and headed towards that direction.

Bright lights exposed my naked body as a car approached from behind. I ran faster thinking they had caught up with me. The driver blew a horn and I stopped to see whether I could recognize the face. He came out asking me all sorts of rhetorical questions whereas I just wanted to be taken to a safe place.

“Ntombazane ukahle kodwa? Wenzani wedwa ebusuku kanje?”

“I was held hostage and I escaped. Please help me, please please take me to the police!” I cried and pleaded for dear life. I wondered what this person was doing on the road at 3am but I disregarded my paranoia and decided to trust me. Did I have a choice?

“Alyt alight ntombi enter the car sihambe, I’ll take you to the police station. Hawu wema uthi what did they do to you? Where did they snatch you from? Are you from around here?” I was really starting to get irritated by all these questions yazini, I just kept crying and sobbing and let him talk to himself.

"Bheka sisi, my brother is a cop and I'm going to call him and tell him we're on our way. You'll be okay don't worry".

He increased the speed, we were going I think 200 km per hour. He lowered the volume of the radio and made a call. I don’t know if I was paranoid or what but I kept thinking, what if he's also part of the Brotherhood. Phela these people are all over, I can't trust anybody. I was uneasy throughout the journey; I was just praying I get to the police station.

“Err bafo, I just picked up a lady here eSgqukwini she escaped captivity by a group of mafias, and we're on our way to the station".

He hung up after getting assurance that we'd meet his brother at the station. I still couldn't relax as we were still on the road and those people were probably tailing the car.

We finally arrived at the police station and I finally let out a sigh of relief.

This year has really been one for the books. If you were to ask me how I'm feeling right, which you probably are. I'm exhausted, I'm depressed, I'm full of anger and rage.
I'm exhausted from the Rollercoaster ride with endless ups and downs. I'm angry at mother earth and God for lack of protection throughout the past 6 months. All these events have led me to a deep depression that I really don't know how to get over.
I now live in constant fear that 1 of those devils could get to me and probably execute their plans this time around.
I mean you and I know gore we only witness such things on Mzansi magic, but when they happen to you it's a different story. I use to say I'd never get raped, I'll probably fight them off and run away bagafa (they are crazy to think they have my vagina for mahala). I've learned never to say never. My granny, whom I've been constantly checking up on says she's been praying for me vigorously.
I've been fearing for her life because everyone that has been close to me in the past 6 months have ended up dead or missing.
Leanne as well. Could you belive, I was scrolling on Instagram using Baba Makhanya's laptop. I'll tell you how I ended up living with him in just a moment
Leanne was trending guys, apparently she's been missing since May. I immediately thought to myself, it's probably Zungu and his cult friends. I cried so hard that day, I could feel it in my gut that they'd killed her. Yet still I had hope that she's probably alive somewhere fighting for her life.

"Do you want some tea sisi?"
"Yebo ngiyabonga kakhulu Lungile"
That's Baba Makhanya's last born. She's 6 yet very bright. She always tells me about how she wants to become a scientist and change the world through her discoveries.
Then there's the rebellious twins, sizwe and senzo. Yoh guys these boys are something else. They are only 14 but they've already started smoking, going partying and hanging out with gangsters. Mind you, their uncle is a highly respected detective. Bab' Makhanya has 6 more children, 4 of them are studying and living in the States and 2 are practicing medicine at the local hospital in the area.

I've been living with the Makhanyas' ever since Bab' Makhanya rescued me. When we got to the station, I was given a blanket to cover myself. Thank God! And told the detectives all about what transpired. Detective Xaba, Bab' Makhanya's brother promised to get to the bottom of this case and I'm really praying he puts those bastards in jail.

Anyway, A few months later we're here. I've left the slay queen lifestyle, not out of choice of course but I've become accustomed to the simple, normal life.
I've lost literally everything and life has forced me to start over from scratch..

Lungile brings me my cup of tea and I tell her we should toast. Toast, to new beginnings.
"What new beginnings sisi?" I expected that question.
"You'll understand someday young one, drink your tea and watch TV"

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