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"Andrea it's ok, you can go." Those were the last words Stefania said to her brother before he passed away; 1 year ago.

"I'm alone. At least I feel so alone." Stefania says rubbing her dog Jeff's back. The Italian hasn't moved from her couch in a week. Last week, would've been Andreas 34 birthday. She hasn't gone to work. She hasn't eaten. Nothing. She can't seem to get out of her own head. Being one of the only Spampinatos left from her immediate family, she has no one left. While she moved to LA to get a better look at life, her whole family stayed back in Italy. She has made some friends here and there, but nobody that can come check in on her. Alone.


"Hello? Yes this is she. My father? Ye- yes, I will be right there, thank you." Stefanias boss just called. Her dad is in the hospital. Quickly getting up and putting on a grey hoodie, with some pajama pants, Stefania ran out of the door. On her way there, she could feel her nerves tensing up...... this was never a good feeling. The last time she felt like this, her brother and her mother died. The brunette gets out of the car, and runs into the hospital doors.

"Maam are you ok?" The nurse asked.

"No-no my dad is i- in there and he- and I- I don't know- " Stefania started to have a panic attack.

"Ok, ok, stay here." The nurse grabs Stefanias hand, and sits her down in a chair in the waiting room. She grabbed a paper bag, and made the brunette breathe into it.

About 10 minutes later another doctor comes to the waiting room. "Spampinato?" The woman calls out.

"Right here." The Italian slowly gets up, and walks over the the tall woman in scrubs.

"I'm so sorry ma'am." The doctor started.

"No, no, no please do not finish that sentence. I've heard it too many times." The brunette turned back around and found her seat. A blank expression across her face. No emotion. No heavy breathing. Just emptiness inside. Numb.

After several hours of disbelief and just straight confusion, Stefania decided that it's time to go home. Standing up, getting ready to leave, and she feels a tap on her shoulder. It's the nurse that gave her the bag. *What a nice woman,* Stefania thought.

"Hi..... I don't know if you would be open to it, but we do have access to a hospital therapist-" "oh no, thank you. I'm ok, I don't need it." The brunette says.

"Please, please just take it. You don't have you decide right now, but just think about it?" *The woman in pink scrubs seemed to really care about me. How sweet.*

"Ok, thank you." Stefania accepts softly.
Stefania had just arrived home, and still, no emotion. She unbuckled her uncomfortably tight seatbelt, and headed inside. "Hi my baby." The Italian says to Jeff. "Have you been a good girl? I'm sorry mommy had to run out so quickly, but I'm here now." Jeff snuggled up to her mom, and loved the feeling of her soft fingers trailing on her fur.

Jeff had finally fallen asleep, so Stefania picked her up gently, trying not to wake her up. They both headed upstairs, and the brunette decided to take a quick shower. She goes to undress, and as she takes her pants off, something falls to the floor. The business card the nurse had given her, for therapy. Stefania picked it up, and stared at it for a very long time. Zoning out.

*Do I really want to do this? It could be really beneficial. I've never really considered it. I thought it would all get better.*

The water running through her hair, the soap covering every single inch of her perfectly sculpted body. Trickling down her spine. The Italian turns the hot water off, and gets out, stepping onto the towel. She grabs a hot towel to dry herself off and then grabs an oversized t-shirt. She doesn't really sleep in underwear, or pants. The brunette says there's always room to breathe.

Hiiii!! Ok so this is my first stefanielle story I've written, and I promise it will get better. I haven't written one in a long time, but I'll update as best I can.  Also, the chapters will be longer than this. But I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the typos, if there are any.

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Twitter: marina_loves_

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