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Anrick grinned, watching the human female pull her coat on, her cheeks pink in the dim light of the restaurant behind her. He followed her down the sidewalk, his smirk growing. He could hear her heart pounding in her chest, and it only made him crave her more. He watched as she did what he predicted she'd do: turn into a dead end alley.

Ash swallowed, realizing her mistake. She heard a chuckle behind her and twisted around to face her stalker, her back pressed against the cold stone.
"What do you want?!" Ash demanded, slipping her purse off her shoulders. "Money?! Here,"
She takes her wallet out and throws it at the man. She watches as he snatches it from the air with one hand, his reflexes obviously stronger than she.
He laughs, looking back at her with a piercing gaze that paralyzes her to the wall.
"Oh, I don't want money. I want you." The man says menacingly, grinning evily. Ash struggles with the hold on her body, and she sees the slight glimmer of fangs.
"N-no..let me go." She pleads as the strange man gets closer.
He laughs quietly, his face now hardly an inch from hers.
"Nah." He says and sinks his teeth into her neck.

Excruciating pain travels throughout her body, the life draining out of her.
This is it. I'm dying.

Suddenly his teeth are torn from her neck and she screams, an odd warmth filling her veins. A voice whispers in her ear before she passes out, saying words that she has never heard in her life.
"I will keep you safe, from now, to forever."

Authors note: Sorry for this being so short, but I'm glad you decided to read! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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