An Escalation

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A/N: I've finished all the Karashuu prompts!

Prompt: Love Letters

Part 8 of That universe where Karma and Asano are brothers and everyone else suffers because of it.


Karma added a poster onto the guest (his) room wall in his dad's house; considering his dad barely got any guests there was no harm decorating the place. He smoothed the creases from the movie poster while he stood on his mattress, admiring his work.

It was the poster from the superhero movie he and Nagisa had seen last month. The poster brightened up the place since everything was boring, and if he was going to be staying here often he might as well decorate.

"Karma?" There was a knock on the door.

Karma raised an eyebrow when he recognised his brother's voice. "Yeah?"

Gakushuu quickly came in, and then closed the door. "We have a problem."

He rolled his eyes, flopping on the bed. "Let me guess? Dad found your second porn stash?"

"No, you idiot." Then Gakushuu sighed. "This is serious – he's suspicious of my relationship with Ren."

Karma scoffed, shifting his gaze from the ceiling to his brother. "I'm pretty sure everyone already knows the two of you are fuck—"

Gakushuu tried to suffocate him with a pillow. "Are you going to take this seriously or not?"

Karma kicked him and then yanked the pillow off. "I will if you stop being a drama queen." He threw the pillow at him but his brother caught it and glared at him.  "So why is dad suddenly suspicious, even though it's obvious?"

Gakushuu grimaced, sitting on the bed next to him. "...He found some letters from Ren."

"...Letters?" Karma raised an eyebrow, propping himself up on his elbows. "What like...actual love letters?"

There was a small pause.

"Wait..." Karma stared at him. "Do you write back?"

His brother's cheeks burned pink when he glared at him.

Karma felt a laugh bubble in his chest until it burst out.

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Gakushuu snapped, looking more embarrassed. "He's the one who wanted to – will you grow up already?"

Karma kept laughing, clutching his sides. "Oh, man. Do you stay up all night writing  sonnets for him?"

He couldn't stop laughing when he imagined his brother staying up all night gushing over some sappy love letters.

His brother stood up. "If you're not going to help—"

"Relax!" Karma yanked the back of his t-shirt sleeve. "I'm just impressed Ren graduated from fuckbuddy to boyfriend." He smirked. "So, what did you say when dad found the letter?"

Gakushuu grimaced. "Well, fortunately, I grabbed it off him before he could read it, he just saw the envelope." Then, he sighed, sitting on the bed. "But, naturally, he suspects Ren and is being irritatingly observant." He scowled. "He won't let me stay over at Ren's or anyone's house, and keeps pestering me about it. We're in high school but he's still determined to treat us like we're ten..."

Karma hummed, sitting next to him. "Sucks for you then."

His brother grabbed the pillow and whacked him over the head. "Are you going to help me get dad to leave me alone or not?"

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