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harry potter ootp - dh

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harry potter
ootp - dh

who do you think you are?
who do you think i am?

THE DARK TRUTH hovered over Esme's life, a shadow of the unknown just barely out of her reach. It threatened to pull her down under, threatened to drag her into pits of despair, where she could not escape. Stories of the past were waiting just beyond the veil of lies Felicity Goodwin conjured because she thought she was protecting her daughter.  Yet every breath Esme took brought her closer to the edge, expanding the realm of possibilities that maybe everything she had ever known was completely false.

    Felicity was under the impression that it had worked. Her daughter's life was normal, if not overtly so, but Esme was happy, for the most part. The web of destruction that she had protected her from did not reach her, did not touch her, for the first three years that Esme was away at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was safe, learning with her friends and unaware of her traumatic past.

    The distorted sense of security was destined to end.

    At fourteen, Esme was struggling with things unfamiliar and unwelcome – There were the usual problems, like classes and teachers and friends, but then there were boys, and in the case of her fourth year at Hogwarts, the TriWizard Tournament. A Tournament meant to bring together the forces of three different wizarding schools, to test the victor's courage and to make friends.

    It had ended with one boy dead, and with Esme Goodwin completely shattered.

    Shattered in the sense that everything she had known, everything she had thought she had known about herself and the semblance of the life she was living caved in on her, leaving her in a bottomless pit of isolation. She was not in the graveyard when Cedric Diggory was killed. She did not see his body when it landed next to Harry Potter on the grassy field below the stands in which her friends stood. But she knew exactly what had happened. For she had seen it in her mind.

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