005. The Pensieve and the Truth.

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WHEN ESME WOKE the next morning, all she could feel was eagerness. After briskly pulling on her school robes, and shooting a quick, "I'll catch up with you later," to Andrew as she passed him, Esme was out of the Gryffindor common room ten minutes after getting up.

Out of breath, chest heaving, Esme slowed to a stop in front of the familiar stone gargoyle hiding Dumbledore's office from everyone else. She glanced around, dread finally settling in her stomach when she realized she had no idea what the password was, and Snape had just been let in automatically the previous evening. The corridors were empty, save for a few struggling first years who looked as though they couldn't find their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. She highly doubted they would know the password.

Just as she was about to give up and try to find another professor to let her in, the serene voice of the Headmaster spoke from behind her, and when she turned, she was pleased to see he did not look as stressed and out of sorts as he did when she last met with him. "Hello, Miss Goodwin. I'm afraid I forgot to tell you my favorite candy when we spoke." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as Esme stared at him in confusion. "Fizzing Whizbees."

At once, the gargoyle began to move. Esme watched in stunned appreciation as the stone steps leading towards the headmaster's office were revealed, and the gargoyle motioned them forward with a little wave of his arm. Dumbledore led the way inside the office, and Esme followed closely behind him, not wanting the gargoyle to deem her unworthy of entering and close on her before she could enter. The headmaster, with his red cloak trailing behind him, turned once he reached a certain spot in the room — in front of a curious looking cupboard. The contents inside looked to be little glass vials, all bearing a strange, glowing liquid inside of them. Esme eyed the cupboard in awe, then faced Dumbledore, who was staring at her with a smile on his worn face.

"Miss Goodwin, if you please, take a seat." He waved a hand, and strolled over to where his desk was. Esme followed dutifully, her legs feeling like jelly. She didn't exactly know what to expect from this meeting. A part of her resented the fact that she was there, instead of continuing on with her first day of classes like everyone else in the school. She didn't want to be any more different than she already was.

Esme tentatively sat down on the plush armchair, and folded her hands awkwardly in her lap, trying her hardest to look the Headmaster in the eyes. Dumbledore sat in silence for quite some time, as if he was trying to decide how to phrase his next sentence. Finally, he took a breath to speak. "Esme, I hope I'm not bringing up too many unwanted memories, but I must ask you about what happened last year, at the final task."

Unease spilled over Esme, settling in her stomach where an ache was no doubt forming. She opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say. "Um, sir, I don't think I understand."

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