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"See ya!" Yachi yelled out before you closed the door sighing, you walked down the hallway in silence no thoughts on your mind at the moment

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"See ya!" Yachi yelled out before you closed the door sighing, you walked down the hallway in silence no thoughts on your mind at the moment. You turned the corner seeing Kenma walking down the hallway with his hands in his pockets. You stopped looking at him, his face set in a resting bitch face.

"I'm sorry I didn't see them" he walked past you "let's go" he spoke out you turned around confused but followed him anyway. He walked past your room, "wait are we going to your room aren't people in there" he said nothing stopping he pulled out his key card swiping it.

You sighed walking in the room it dark and silent "where is everybody" he said nothing

~is he really that mad that I left him on delivered for a hour

You took off your shoes walking behind him "Kenma talk to me I don't like all this mystery"
He sat down on the bed looking at you "come here" he motioned you over grabbing you by your waist "I missed you" he said you smiled at his words

"I thought you were mad at me" you sighed in relief "I am mad at you" he grabbed the back of your neck pulling you down into a kiss, he pulled away a string of spit still connecting you.

"You text me back slow all the time" you said rolling your eyes wiping your mouth. He chuckled "only for a while" he spoke

You crossed your arms looking at him "you left me on read for 3 hours once" you said to him raising a brow waiting for a comeback

"Because I was streaming" he pointed out he pulled you back into his arms looking up at you, you looked at him then around the room "where is everybody anyway?" You asked him

"Kuroo's went to go see Kylie and we have this room to ourselfs" he spoke looking at your body with lustful eyes "hey I'm not a can of tuna you cat man stop looking at me like that" you pulled away

"Now Your upset with me really" he said as you turned away from him he got up hugging you from behind "really" you replied as he kissed up your neck

"your an ass" you spoke to him "how" he asked kissing your neck again "because you had the nerve to be mad at me when your worse than me" you said holding your chin in the air

"You wanna take it out on me" he said to you licking your ear "Kenma your being nasty" you said pushing him away, "I promised you something didn't I" he said to you your body still turned away from him as he sat down on the bed

"Look at me kitten" he cooed at you, you still didn't budge "I got something for you baby" the name he called you made you stiffen you slowly turned around seeing him unzip his pants as he held his shirt with his teeth

"See here's what I owe you"



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𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸𝑅 𝑇𝐴𝐺❀❀❀𝐾.𝐾𝑂𝑍𝑈𝑀𝐸Where stories live. Discover now