Waffle Incident

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First looks at two of my favorite characters, Sal and Damien! I actually created this for a school short story thing but ended up really liking the story ^^, The drawing above is my bby, Sal. I don't have a drawing of Damien by himself just yet but once I do, I'll post it as well!

Also, a kinda neat piece of info is that I made Damien for Siren's Son ASMR. Damien was originally made to be Cam's listener. Which I find to be pretty neat XD. Especially because I normally don't make characters for Audio Role-plays. Damien is my first, and probably not last.

((I will probably end up going through and changing the story pretty often so look out for that 😅))

Damien was sitting on the couch enjoying some reheated pizza from the night before. He had some random documentary in the background while he focused on his food.

All was well and good before he heard something crash in the kitchen. He snapped his head towards the noise, cheese stringing from the pizza to his mouth.

His eyes dashed around the entrance to the kitchen looking for whatever caused the noise. "Hello?" Damien said shakily with the pizza still in his mouth. He quickly paused the boring documentary before asking again. "Hello?"

Damien bit off the cheese and gulped it down and continued. "Is someone there? I'm warning you..." He realized he didn't have anything that would really be a threat to any intruder. Given that Damien is a pretty small dude and he doesn't have a weapon around him other than hot pizza he could throw into their eyes.

"I-", he stopped his sentence as his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried again, "I am warning you. I have a roommate way stronger than you. Sal will kick your butt."

Honestly, Sal was out of town for the next few days. So if this noisemaker was going to do anything Damien would be screwed.

Damien looked a bit harder to try and find something he could use against the intruder. He eventually decided on a fork that was left from this morning's breakfast to be his best hope.

He took the fork and started walking towards the kitchen. His heart was in his throat and he was shaking. He gulped once more as he tip-toed to the kitchen. Damien turned his back to the entrance and leaned against the wall next to it

Damien reached around the wall slowly and put his hand on the light switch. He took a deep breath and flicked it up. As soon as the light was on he yelped and shrank down against the wall. He held the fork tightly against his chest and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Uhhhh, Damie?"

Damien gasped when he heard the voice. That was Sal's voice. Oh my god.

Damien quickly stood up and hid the fork behind his back as he entered the kitchen. Once he was in the kitchen he found Sal with a wooden spoon in his hand, waffle mix on the counter, and the waffle maker on the floor.

"Sal? What are you doing in town? And why do you have a spoon? And why didn't you come through the front door?!"

Sal gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed his arm. "I guess the surprise is ruined. The family reunion was canceled because of some issues so I came back home. I figured since you weren't expecting me home and I know how much you love waffles, I could surprise you! But I dropped the waffle maker and spoiled it."

Damien smiled and rolled his eyes. "Y'know, we could have just made them together tomorrow and you wouldn't need to scare the crap out of me!"

Another nervous chuckle came from Sal, "Sorry Damie, I will make up for it with the waffles tomorrow morning. Oh, and, why do you have a fork?"

I hope y'all like it. I am quite honestly not confident in my writing skills (and thus why I only write oneshots). If any of y'all have some pointers or things I should fix please let me know!!

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