Chapter 15

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I run on stage and there is cheering. I hear Pete's voice. "What's up LA?" There is a lot of cheering. "We got a hell of a show for you tonight so without further ado, let's get started!" We begin playing and there is a ton of cheering.

The amount of energy being released by Frank is equivalent to the energy when he was on stage in Revenge with My Chem. During the end of one of the songs, he accidentally hits me in the head with his guitar.

I flip him off. We are at the break before the next song and I hear him on the dead mic. "Are you okay? I'm sorry." "I'm fine. Don't worry, I've had worse." "Your forehead is bleeding." "I'm gonna kick your ass if I need stitches." I hear a slight uncomfortable laugh.

Pete does a big speech before our second to last song about not hurting or trying to kill yourself which results in a few tear falling from my eyes. The blood gets in my eye which stings a lot with my contacts in.

"Pete, cover for a few more minutes. I need to take out my contacts cause the bloods getting in my eyes. Frank, you better hope you can run fast enough at the end of the show." I turn away towards the drum kit and take out my contacts. I can barely see.

We get to the last song and I begin going full on crazy. Frank slips on the floor and falls on my leg during the guitar solo. I feel my kneecap dislocate. He helps me stand up again and I know it didn't relocate. He stands next to me, holding me up for stability.

We finish. I talk into the dead mic. "Pete, will you help me get off stage and somewhere where they can help fix my knee. Frank needs a head start before I kill him." Pete helps me off stage.

I hand my guitar off. I straighten my leg, relocating my kneecap on my own. "Ow, fuck." I see a look of fear in Frank's eyes. He runs and I tackle him. I see Gerard. "Frank, you are really not safe to be around on stage. I'm glad we found someone else besides Ray that can take you on."

I get off him and Gerard smiles. "C'mon, let's get you to the medic tent. Your family should be coming around soon." My knee feels so weak and I'm in a lot of pain. My vision is also really blurry. I see Tony. He picks me up and carries me. "Did you kick his ass?" "Not completely. I did overpower him though so he might not mess with me again."

Tony smiles. I hear Gerard. "Everyone should be required to sign a waiver to get on stage with Frank." I nod in agreement. They help me wash out my eyes and then they put a towel over my eyes at the medic tent.

I feel more panic than I have in a while with needles. "T-Tony?" "Hey, it's okay. Calm down. Gerard or Frank, in her bag in the dressing room there is bottle of Ativan pills. Please get them." A pill is placed in my hand. I take it. I feel the needle.

I squeeze Tony's hand hard and I feel myself hyperventilating. "Hey, that's it. It's okay, breathe." I feel him place my hand against his stomach. "Follow my breathing." I can't completely calm down. "It's finished. I can give you a few minutes before I look at her knee."

I feel Tony hold me to his chest. "Shh, it's okay. Breathe. Look at me." I look at him. "It's okay." He eventually calms me down. I watch the nurse look at my knee. "It does appear to be fully relocated but she should go to get a MRI to see how damaged her knee is. I would recommend for the pain an immobilizing knee brace and crutches for a few days at the very least."

Dad comes in with a pair of crutches. "Y'know, I never leave home without these. You and your sister get hurt too frequently." The nurse puts a brace on my knee. Tony helps me off the bed and hands me the crutches. "Alex said he is watching the babies tonight so we could have a free night before I have to go back on tour." I nod.

I see Frank and he looks really guilty. "I'm sorry." "Don't be. You were having fun and I am a danger magnet anyways." Tony smiles. "She really is." I smile. "Pete'll have to be careful. Have any of the members of your bands made it without getting injured from you?"

"Mikey did. He was smart enough to move out of the way." I see Pete and CC. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah. I just want you guys to take the warning that it's not safe to be with Frank on stage. There is even a YouTube video about it." They both smile. "Noted."

"Denny's?" "I'm down." We drop the instruments at my music house and then we go to Denny's. I just get a vanilla milkshake. I know it'll make me feel sick later, but so would most other things I could get here.

I drink it a little. "You seem hesitant to drink it." "I have IBS and lactose intolerance. Pretty much anything here could make me feel sick." "What are the worst foods for you?" "Dairy, gluten, and fried foods. I'm also vegetarian with Tony so there is practically nothing I eat without feeling like crap."

"That sucks. I understand the issues with food though." I fidget a little. Tony hands me a few pills and I look at them. I see Pete pull out a couple pills from his pocket. "You know you don't have to feel weird about taking meds." "I just wish I didn't have to take them to be normal."

"Kid, I've had to take them since I was 17. Normal is overrated." I take them and lay my head against Tony's shoulder. "You tired?" I nod. We pay and leave. "I'm gonna bring you to the hospital to get your knee looked at." I give him a brief nod. We go into the hospital and I sign myself in.

I lay my head on Tony's shoulder. "You can go to sleep. I'll wake you up when they call you back." I nod and cuddle into him, eventually falling asleep. Tony wakes me up and we go back. The doctor takes a MRI of my knee.

We go back to the room. "Your knee is pretty severely damaged. You have a torn MPFL, ACL, and PCL. Your meniscus is torn as well. I would recommend surgery. We could do surgery in 8 hours if you wish? Since you are emancipated by law, you sign your own consent form for surgery."

I read through the form and sign it. "I'll put in an IV tonight. If you wish, you could be hooked up to all of the monitors tonight and then tomorrow I don't have to wake you up before surgery." I nod a little. I see the IV needle and I immediately turn my head away, facing Tony.

"It's okay." I feel the sharp prick and I go back to watching the doctor. He puts monitors on me. I watch him sign my knee. "Okay, since you are still a minor, you can have someone stay tonight. I'm assuming you want your husband to stay?" "Yes, please." He nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He leaves. Tony smiles. "Time for a photo." I smile a little and give thumbs ups. He sends it to me. I send it to the large group chat with all of Tony's band, all of Dad's band, and all of Kellin's band. "Guess who is having surgery tomorrow morning?" "That sucks. I'll be there after your surgery."

"I don't want a lot of people here at a time preferably. Probably only a max of three people at a time not including Tony. I'm telling my band as well so you can organize it with them." I text my band the picture with the same message. "I'm sorry." "Don't be, my knee was first screwed up years ago."

"Will I be able to come visit after you get out of surgery?" "I'm putting a cap of three people, not including Tony, at a time. You guys can discuss with them. I'm gonna go to bed now. Good night." "Night."

Tony sits beside me and plays with my hair. Eventually, the sensation lulls me to sleep.

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