My goodbye

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Everything reminds me of him. The outdated love we had for each other. The way he smiled, gentle yet bright. Just like his deep brown eyes, he was perfect. He was truly meant for me...

Then a wave came. It changed everything, soon enough the dark clouds followed. I found myself in a new place. I was tired... Confused about how to feel, I didn't know how to control it. I let that be our downfall. Besides my better judgment, I got tired. I betrayed my kin and brung upon our world sadness.

Somehow the storm passed. Bliss blossomed and the cherry blossoms showed the beautiful nature of spring...

Not long had past and the horrid storm came yet again. A bigger wave...a bigger mortality rate. I was terrified, I soon lost my friends. We however weren't spared from the atrocities. We both lost a part of ourselves that day.

December 7th, the last of our love was spent. His last words to me were "happy birthday" then I think my heart lost another part of itself.

He soon moved on like anyone with his heart should. I felt torn but soon realized there was someone who needed him most. Someone who was there years before.

Sad songs never healed me. Time was said to be key but in reality, it's always been my pain. It makes me realize the tragedy I caused, the break I in return gave him.

This book was never to prove my love. In contrast, to prove that we tried to defy the universe and I failed to keep our promise. I changed for the worst, a star like him was born one in a million. I never deserved what he gave me.

I love you...
    I always will...

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