Chapter Six: Off To A Great Start...

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 Time flies as everyone makes progress with their tasks. Hatsume passionately inspects the gear given as Power Loader supervises, making sure the pink-haired student didn't destroy any provided material beyond repair. (Y/n) sat off to the side and mulled over how her costume change would look, thinking and deciding on cohesive changes that would best work for her.

Moving to a different area within the studio to fetch a haphazard item, Hatsume catches a glimpse of the concept drawing from behind the Top Ranger. She cranes her neck to look over the younger girl's shoulder to get a closer look.

"Looking good! You're a great drawer!" (Y/n) hums at the compliment continuing to sketch. It's no blueprint, but at least she could give descriptors and details about what she wanted and what was best suited for her.

"Thanks...I decided to change the fit a little, though the overall design is similar to what I already have. I only made some tweaks to help support more rigorous situations." In a swift minute, the Top Ranger completed her work. She gives the concept a once-over to ensure that she hadn't made any errors and relegates to handing the parchment to Power Loader. He gives his own review of the design and nods in approval.

"This won't be too difficult to set up," he says rolling the sturdy paper into a tube. "We'll send this off to a designer later today and have the costume for you soon enough."

Since that point, (Y/n) had mostly remained within the vacant dorm building. Save for the moments she was given supervised permission to leave, the Top Ranger spent most of her time inside watching television. The (h/c)-haired teen couldn't remember the last time she viewed broadcasts so extensively before she was transported here. Though, she wasn't lounging idly. (Y/n) had picked up the controller with the intent of growing more aware of this new world. It wasn't the best plan of action compared to firsthand experience, but for now it would have to do.

Her team was within immediate proximity, viewing the screen alongside her. Raichu lay in between her trainer's crossed legs as Honchkrow and Carracosta sat to her left and right. With a sigh, (Y/n) periodically switches through news cycles hearing commentators drone on about recent events. Despite being somewhat informative, there was no denying that the presentation was quite boring. Though, it takes a special kind of person to make rather dull topics like the weather or politics interesting.

From what the girl recalled, they resided in Musutafu, a big city in Japan, an island "country"—a mass like that of a region judging by what she gauged from a world history channel. So many new cultures had been introduced to them within the past few days that they had watched the televised program and (Y/n) could immediately notice some parallels. The more she learned about Japanese culture, the more it reminded her of Johto. The same could be said for the United Kingdom and Scotland with Galar, or France with Kalos. The Eiffel Tower and Lumiose Tower looked scarily similar to each other, it couldn't possibly be a coincidence.

It seemed that this world and her own shared more commonalities than she originally thought, and this discovery made her feel at ease, oddly enough.

Still, while it was nice to know what the world was like, she had to resume focus on her local surroundings. What was the quality of life like for the people of Musutafu? A moment of surfing through all the available channels leads her to a distinct program, the visual slide is enough to give her pause but the commentator's introduction is what ultimately stops her from switching over.

"It has been but a moment since what had transpired at the Kamino Ward. A grand stakes battle between the League of Villain's leader All-For-One and All-Might, the Symbol of Peace was just as much of a defeat as it was a victory." The girl's eyebrow quirks at the recognizable name.

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