17 - hooked

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"Look at how small you were. And so much blonder," Sapnap pointed to one photo in the small memory book.

The image represented Dream, much younger, standing next to his parents and older sister at Disney world.

"Yeah his hair definitely darkened." Charlotte said, nodding her head towards Sapnaps direction.

"And that kinda sucks," she proceeded, "he looked much better blond."

he glared as Sapnap lightly chuckled, flipping a page into the memory book.

Dream secretly flipped her off when his friend was distracted looking at a photo of teenaged Dream.

She flipped him off right back.

"Want me to tell mom?" He threatened to her finger.

"Go ahead. Act like the true child you are." Charlotte waved her hand trying to shoo him away. "She'll probably defend me anyways since you flipped me off first."

"Pfft. Whatever."

"That's what I thought," Charlotte confidentially crossed her arms in pride, leaning against the wall while she sat on the ground.

"Oh my god was that your girlfriend?" Sapnap showed the large picture to Dream. Dream gritted his teeth and shot his sister a quick glance.

"Uh, yeah. Middle school, only dated for like two weeks."

"Are you kidding?" Charlotte states, uncrossing her arms. "You dated that girl for a year and a half."

"How do you even remember that?" Dream defended, leaning forward on the couch. "You were like, really little."

"It's not that I remember. Dad told me you were really hooked on that girl."

"And you had a lot of pimples." Sapnap noted.

"Not anymore," Dream was quick to say.

"I bet George hates pimples, Clay." Charlotte teased, tapping her fingers against the wall behind her.

Dream placed his fingers and touched around his face feeling for any bumps.

Both Sapnap and Charlotte bursted out into a pit of laughter, the memory book being closed and placed back onto the coffee table.

"You're such a loser oh my god." His sister exclaimed, coughing after laughing so hard.

"I didn't realize you guys have the exact same wheeze." Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Dream.

"It's a family thing I guess." Dream explained, his hands now behind his head as he leaned further against the leather sofa.

"It's a family thing I guess," Charlotte mocked her older brother with a smug grin and short breath.

"Can you go in your room or something?" Clay hissed, annoyance playing in his tone.

"Why would I do that? I'm still waiting for dad to get home and fix my tv."

"It's no ones fault but yours that you broke it."

"Look," she reasoned, "it's not my fault that I get mad too easily and throw shit."

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