Chapter 4

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Talia's Point Of View

I lay in bed after a second day of school done. It was pretty much like yesterday other then the fact that we started learning things. I didn't really talk to Octavious and he didn't bother to talk to me which I am happy for. Thomas sat with him again at lunch today. James and Will were sitting with them. I don't like them either, they are Octavious' friends.

I am scrolling through Netflix trying to find a good movie to watch when I get a call from an unknown number. I pick my phone up and answer, bringing my phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked.

"What's up." A familiar voice smirked.

"Octavious?" I asked.

"The one and only." He said, very confidently. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, how'd you get my number?" I asked him.

"I got it from your brothers phone, his password is very guessable, seriously. Like he is kinda slo. 1234 is not a very secretive password." His cocky tone of voice just made me want to hang up more then I already do.

"You call me to tell me that my brother's password is weak? I'm hanging up." I sighed.

"No, I didn't call you for that. I was wondering if you wanted to come by later." He said.

"Are you serious." I smirked. "I am not one of your 'girls,' bye." I hung up my phone. Putting it on my nightstand turned over so I couldn't see the screen. After scrolling a few more minutes and hearing my phone buzz, I finally picked a movie named Project Power. I've already seen it once but it is a pretty good movie.

"Tal!" I heard knocking on my door.

"Yea!" I asked. The door opened and Joseph is standing in the doorway. "You wanna help me cook? I'm making spaghetti and meatballs, you can cut the vegetables up." I nod. Pausing my movie and walking behind him down the stair and into the kitchen. Elijah is sitting on the couch giving to some music. Tyler, the Creators song '911' starts to play and I smile.

We all start to vibe with the music. Elijah got up and is making the bread sticks. I cut the onions and bell peppers and sit them aside. I then put some tea on the stove to boil. "Where is Thomas?" I asked.

"He is out with some friends, I told him to be back by 8." Joseph said. It's 7:45 right now and spaghetti and meatballs are pretty simple and quick to make.

I put the noodles on to cook which will only take 10 minutes and Joseph has already got the sauce and meatballs on. We normally wait until it is done to put the bell peppers and onions in.

"Hey guys."  Thomas walked in with kinda familiar guy behind him. "This is Jamari, he is new to our school and he is in my math class."

"Oh, he is in my English and Science class." I smile.

"Hey." Jamari smiled. "Nice to meet you and you guys." Jamari motioned to all of us.

"Do you have a criminal record, answer 100% honestly." Joseph said to Jamari.

"I don't have a criminal record." He smiled nervously. Not in a way where he is hiding something but in an uncomfortable way.

"Well, I'm fine with you being his friend then." Elijah smiled.

Jamari is a tall guy, 6ft. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He wears glasses. He is a dark skinned, muscly but skinny guy. He has a faded haircut And he is kinda cute too. I saw him in the two classes we have together but I didn't say much to him. He didn't say much to anyone.

"Would you like to stay for diner, as long as you aren't allergic to bell peppers, onions or anything else you put in spaghetti." Joseph said.

"Nah, I'm not allergic to anything." He said. Joseph nodded and Thomas motioned for him to follow him up the stairs.

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