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Henry had awoken in a dark, dusty and cramped room. He couldn't really see much because of the lack of light, but he knew he was in a room tied up to a wall. He could feel his wrists burning, he assumed it was because of the rope. He tried shouting out for help but the only answer he got was an echo of his own voice. He could hear his heart thumping in his ears, his palms were sweaty. He screamed again. A few minutes after, a man around 6 feet tall came in the room. Henry could only see the outline of the man but he looked skinny and scruffy. He slowly started walking towards Henry and turned on a lamp that was perched on a little wooden table beside him. Henry looked at the man, he looked familiar. It took him a minute to realise who it was but as soon as he found out he tried to scream at him to let him go. That was no use, he just put a piece of cloth in his mouth and put his finger over his lips as to tell Henry to be quiet and stop struggling. The man, as Henry knew to be William Afton, took one of the many knives off the wall and walked over to Henry with it. He held it up to his neck and put just enough pressure on to make a small cut and dragged the knife along making a long, but not deep cut over Henry's shoulder to his chest. Henry tried screaming again but this time it resulted in getting stabbed right in his shoulder. There was then a loud bang accompanied with shouting. "Shit.." William said under his breath. "I swear on your life Henry, if you tell anyway about this it won't be very pretty. Alright?" Henry just frantically nodded before everything went fuzzy and black. He heard loud footsteps running and heard a door slam shut. His hearing started to fade as he slipped in and out of consciousness but the last thing he heard before becoming unconscious was loud, heavy footsteps, sirens and people asking questions that he couldn't answer as he didn't have the strength to speak.

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