Chapter 1

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"Ughhhhh" I groaned as I stepped off of the plane. The heat of the Australian summer was a big change from the cold winter in San Clemente, California.

I don't like it. This doesn't feel right. I miss my friends. Scratch that. I miss my FRIEND. Nobody likes me.

It's going to be hard trying to fit in here. I hate it. My mom had to move here for some stupid job that she got which means that she is going to be working 24/7 while I am left to fend for myself.

I'm used to it. I'm used to being abandoned. My father left me a month before we moved here.

I still remember the big fight they had before he walked out.


"I am sick and tired or your bullshit Kristine how could you blame me for this? I have nothing to do with your job and wether or not you got fired!" My dad yelled.

I locked my door and pushed my bed against it hoping that it would go away.

Surprise. It didn't.

"I'm not trying to blame it on you! I just want our relationship like it was before..." My mom said.

I knew exactly what she was talking about. Before I was born. I was a mistake. I was never meant to happen. But I did.

"And maybe if you would quit being such a dick al the time we could work things out!" She said.

• • • • • • • • (fighting went on for a few more hours)

"God damn you Jason if you are going to disrespect me under the roof of the house that is in MY NAME, then you better get your ass out before I call the cops to escort you out. You can come back when you can get your shit together!!" My mom screamed for what seemed like the millionth time.

I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut. 3 seconds later I could hear my the engine of my dad's worn jeep jittering as it drove into the distance.


Needless to say, he never came back.

About a week after that my mom found a job that she said "pays twice as much" and "will be a great experience for both of us".

Great experience my ass.

So far all I have seen is an airport. It's a pretty nice airport if you ask me.

After we grab our bags we get on a bus.

The sign on the bus reads "Traveling To: SYDNEY".

Not bad Mom...not bad.


After an hour long nap I feel my mom shake me. "We're here" she says.

I look up and we are at a moving place. Here I see the truck with all of our stuff, our cars (which Mom somehow got shipped across an ocean), and man.

"Hello are you the Olsons?" He said in a strong Australian accent.

"Yes, you must be Mark. This is my daughter Skylar." He said and shook his hand.

He then shook my hand. Creep. JK lol I love human contact. I miss it.

Ugh now I sound desperate and lonely.


I get in my car, my mom gets in her car, and Mark (I think) gets in the moving truck. We follow behind him in our cars and I am freaking out because people drive on the opposite sides of the street here. What is this place? Narnia?

About 10 minutes later we pull up to a house that is gorgeous. It's two story and has a huge yard. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Once we get inside, my mom tells me to pick out a room. I decide that I will get he basement because its a whole floor to myself and I can get a little privacy. Ya know?


After hours of unloading furniture Mark and the other mover leave and my mom leaves to meet with her new boss.

Maybe I should take a walk. I better change first though. It's really hot here.

I put my hair in a ponytail and trow on my nirvana crop top, light was high waisted shorts, and shiny black Doc Martens. Perfection.

As soon as I step outside of the door I decide to go right and see where that takes me. You can never go wrong going right! Sorry that was bad.

As I'm walking I see a boy with blue and purple hair. My type of friend. Should I go introduce myself or awkwardly stare at him? Oh well, YOLO!

Yolo? Really Sky? Who are you? Get your head in the game and go introduce yourself.

"Hello. I'm new here and I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Skylar, an I just moved here from the US." I said.

"Hello Ms. All-American. Nice accent. My name is Michael Gordon Clifford. Call me Michael. Or just call me on your phone. Here's my number." He said while handing me a small piece of paper.

"That I will. And I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you go to Sydney High? I'm starting tomorrow and I won't really know my way around." I say.

"Yes. Just meet me here tomorrow morning and I will give you a ride and me your school tour guide." He said with a goofy smile.

"Haha okay. I gotta go. I guess I will see you tomorrow morning." I say and walk away.

"Bye" I say and walk back to my house. That's enough mingling for one day + I'm still tired AF from the all day flight. Jet lag sucks.

As soon as I get inside I go to my room, find my sweatpants, and lay down in my bed. Goodnight Australia.


First chapter complete!! I'm proud of myself. Sorta not really. I love you my beautiful bananas. Wait...what? Idk I'm tired. Weeeejejfudbeishebeudesuudbehhebeuxuisbehdidhe.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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