Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Trace Harper

Our story is a long story, filled with many many smiles, laughs, cheers, dreams, talks, and so many more things. Personally, I think our story is pretty great even the bad parts.

It all started the day I met him. We were young and didn't know what love is, honestly we still don't know what love is. The moment I laid eyes on him my heart melted. He was so cute and he was so funny! I wanted to be his bestfriend but that wasn't going to ever happen. We danced all night and sang on the top of our lungs. The night slowly came to and end and eventually I had to leave. I will never forget the words "Free Hug Friday" come out of his mouth as he came to hug me. He gave me a giant hug and my body felt so warm and perfect. I wanted to get to know him. And I know you've already heard that story but I couldn't myself but tell you once again.

Summer came and we didn't ever talk. Occasionally I texted him off Rose's phone or Grace's but other than that we didn't really know each other.

It was finally the first day of school. One year older and we were going to the same school! I will never forget the feeling I got when I looked at the list of my homeroom and saw his name; Kamden Reprah. I was so excited I couldn't even handle! I went around the school finding my friends and I literally told like every single one of them. I was so happy! This was a way for us to be friends, to talk, maybe just maybe I could have a chance with his perfect self.

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