His Music

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Elain can hear his heartbeat. No matter where she is, no matter where he is, no matter how much distance is between them, she can hear his heartbeat.

She hears it constantly, though she quickly learned how to tune it out so she could focus on her daily tasks. It wasn't easy at first, but she figured it out.

After finally building up the courage to ask, she learned that Feyre did not hear Rhysands heartbeat on constant loop. She was too scared to ask Nesta, knowing how Nesta thought of the whole situation between Elain and.. him.

It was easy now, to tune out the sound of his heartbeat. It was never fully gone, only blending into the background of her thoughts. Like walking through a music filled street. She could hear the music, but when she didn't focus on it, it wasn't as intrusive.

Upon coming to this realization, creating a link between background music, and his heartbeat, was the first time she thought it. It was the first time she thought it, and she hadn't been able to come up with another description for it since.

His heartbeat was like music.

Another realization she came to quickly, that tied his heartbeat to music was how no one wanted to listen to music every day without escape. They would grow annoyed.

Music, while incredibly beautiful in itself, was not always appropriate. In fact there were certain situations where music could be considered highly inappropriate.

She couldn't blame him for it. She knew he couldn't control the bond or the fact that she heard his heartbeat. As far as she knew, he couldn't even hear hers. Still, it made her angry. It frustrated her to no end. No one around her could hear their-

No one around her could hear their mates heartbeats, so why does she constantly hear his, without reprieve?

While it's true music can seem annoying sometimes, it is also true in saying that music is incredibly soothing and comforting.

The nights she couldn't sleep, or when she was woken with a nightmare, the nights where the darkness tried to claim her in her fear, they were always terrifying. Those nights were also the same nights where his heartbeat, his music would become louder, soothing her from her panic, from her fear. His heartbeat was there to bring her back from that edge every time.

More often than not, and much more than she cared to admit, did his music lull her back to sleep after a nightmare. More often than not, did she allow him to help her without him even knowing he was.

Elain grew used to his heartbeat. Used to his music. It was the only part of this bond she didn't actively ignore. She couldn't ignore it, she didn't know how. So she got used to it.

In fact she got so used to it, that she often found herself relying on it. If her garden didn't bloom, or when Feyre was nearly dying in childbirth, or when her and Nesta got into a particularly harsh argument, because Nesta's friend was wearing a necklace meant for her.

When things got too much, she would retreat to her room each night, change into her night clothes, and curl in bed.

She would curl in bed, and dig deep within herself until his heartbeat was more than just music in the background. She would dig within herself until his music consumed her just enough to remind her that though there were some incredibly tough times, this, her secret music, would always calm her down.

She hadn't realized just how much she had gotten used to his heartbeat in her head, how much she had come to rely on his music, until one day she woke up and things felt off. She couldn't put a finger on why, and she didn't have the time to figure out either.

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