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I was sitting in class one day when I heard someone call my name from behind me.

"Hey Sarah, babe what's the answer to number..." He paused looking down at his paper. "number four."

"Figure it out on your own, Williams." I hissed at him and turned back around.

Alex Williams is the schools "bad boy" as you would call him. He had brown scraggly hair with brown eyes that shimmered in the sun. He was fit but not buff like the jocks. He always wore this old black leather jacket because it made him look "cool."

I got up as I finished my test but I felt someone grip my arm tightly. "Babe, you never told me the answer to number four." He said in a hushed tone so the teacher didn't hear.

"It's A you dimwit." I hissed, lying of course so he could get the answer wrong. It was in fact B. I ripped my arm from his grip and have the teacher my test. I sat back down and waited for the bell to ring. as I waited he tapped his pencil on his desk numerous times in an annoying sorta way. The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and headed to my locker.

"Hey thanks for the help, smarty." He said chucking a little and meeting his friends outside if the class room. I was one of the smartest kids in school and everyone kore it.

I walked down the hall to the library, go figure, to hang out with my friends, that were also some of the smartest kids in school. I was greater by my best friend Melissa. "Hey Sarah!" She said with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Mel." I said sitting down at the table where we always sat. It was Mel, Jake, Tyler, and I. We weren't anything special to look at, we were all just a bunch of..."nerds" sitting at a round table disguising homework, the best student counsel meeting, finding out who's been putting graffiti on the school, stuff like that.

Mel was the president of student counsel and called all the shots. Jake and Tyler are brothers that surprisingly don't try to beat one another at everything they do. Tyler stared at me from across the table. "What?" I asked a little annoyed by his stare.

"I-I was just going to say, I-I like your shirt." He squeaked. He looked back down at his paper with his cheeks flushed. I scared him, oops.

"Thanks. Sorry I snapped." I said apologetically. He nodded but didn't look up at me again. I was glad this was the last period.

Mel gave me a weird look. "Sarah, you frightened the poor boy, he was just trying to be nice." She whispered.

"I know, Alex was being really annoying today all during class and he tried cheating again and I'm just done with today." I whispered back.

"Oh, yeah. He was being annoying today, he flicked me with a hornet earlier." She said tilting her head to the side and pulling her hair back revealing a welt I her neck.

"Wow! Damn he did that? Must have been a good shot." I said jokingly. she punched my arm and I laughed. "Kidding."

Jake shushed us and we got back to our work. We talked about the graffiti on the school till the bell rang.

I grabbed my things and went outside. I looked for my best friend Shawn, who was the head jock basically. He and I had known each other for a long time and we had always been good friends. Kinda funny how the school nerd is best friends with the school jock right? Yeah well when your parents are rich anything is possible. "Warren!" He yelled at me waving his hand around like a lunatic.

I waved my hand back and walked over to him. "Hey Shawn, what's up?"

"Your dad asked me to drive you home, so I guess I'm going to drive you home." he said with a smile.

"Oh okay. So where is Ellie?" I asked. Ellie was his "girlfriend" also know as the girl he was screwing in the back of her car.

"She's....uh. We broke up." He said looking down and then he walked to the drivers side of the car.

"Oh wow, sorry to hear." I said getting in on the passengers side of the car.

"Yeah, I don't want to talk about it right now." He said not making eye contact with me. He buckled his seatbelt and revved up the car. He didn't give me much time to buckle up before he sped out of schools parking lot. I tried bracing myself but it didn't really have time for that. Yeah, you could say he was a crap driver but I said he was a danger to people on the road. Just because he had a Corvette he thought he was all that. He seemed to be taking his problems out on the road, which wasn't the safest idea in my opinion.

We soon arrived at my house, thank The Lord. I didn't want to spend a second longer in that car, he could have really caused damage. "Thanks Shawn." I said scrambling out of the car.

"Your welcome!" He said after I got out. I closed the door behind me and he sped off again. I walked in my house and instantly relaxed. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a snack before I went upstairs. I threw my school stuff to the side and plopped down on the bed. I grabbed my laptop and logged into my fan account, yeah I know, crazy fangirl.

I logged on and saw my fandom blowing up from last nights episode. Supernatural was a popular fandom and I'm glad I'm apart of it. But I was also a multi fandom account. I got a message from my friend Mel, he was also apart of the fandom, "Hey, can you tell that I really like Jake?" She asked. She had liked him ever sense 5th grade, I always though they were cute but she doesn't have the balls to tell him she likes him.

"Um, not really. Just don't stare at him like usual, or you could just tell him ;P" I said laughing a little.

"No way! What if he doesn't like me back!?" She replied. I imaged her saying it and I started laughing again.

"It's fine, just go up too him and say, 'hey Jake, I really like you. I was wondering if you would like to go to the science convention next weekend.' I replied.

"It's not that easy....fine I'll do it." She commented. I laughed a little about how easy she gave in.

My phone started blowing up. "Hey smartie, I was wondering if you could help with me with my homework." A number I didn't realize texted but you didn't have to be the smartest kid in school to know it was Alex.

"How did you get my number?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter, will you help me?" He replied. I looked at my phone a little annoyed when he dodged my question.

"Tell me why I should help you?" I asked.

"Because I know things, like how you sleep with a teddy bear at night and all about your little supernatural fan account." he replied.

I really didn't feel like fighting with him. "Fine whatever." I replied. I heard a knock on the door.

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