Are You For Real!?

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I woke up with the worst cramp in my neck. I looked up and realized that I fell asleep on my keyboard. "Great idea Sarah! Your just brilliant aren't you!?" I said to myself. I got out of bed and jumped in the shower for a quick 15 minuets. I forgot my clothes so I walked out in a towel to my room to see someone sitting on my bed.

"Hello Sarah. Oh well someone's not even dressed yet. What a nice surprise." Alex said turning around facing me. He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"How did you....Never mind just get out of my room!" I yelled feeling really uncomfortable. I held my towel a little tighter around my chest.

He stood up slowly walking to me. "Is someone scared? Is Sarah incomparable?" He said getting really close.

I backed up but then hit the wall and he cornered me. He put his hands on both sides of me so I was really trapped. He still moved his body a little closer to me and he put his head in the crook of my neck. I held on really tight to that towel now. He breathed and it caused me to shake.

"Sarah." He said softly.

"Y-yeah Alex?" I said a little shaky.

"You might want to get dress. I mean we do have school in 20 minutes." He said backing up and laughing.

"Shit you little.....GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I shouted. He laughed and walked out of my room closing the door behind him. I grabbed my floral strapless top and a pair of shorts. I threw my hair in a hot bun and threw some makeup on. I grabbed my cardigan as I ran down stairs and my sandals.

He stairs as me as I descend down the stairs. "Babe, looking fresh." He said smirking.

"Oh will you stop calling me babe already!?" I say annoyed. "I am not your "babe" so stop calling me it." I open the door and gesture for him to get the hell out of my house.

He walked out and I closed the door behind me. He got in his car and yelled "Hey you gonna get in or are you gonna walk, babe?"

"Ugh why me?" I asked looking up at the sky. I walked over to the car and it was an beat up 2005 Mustang. It was blue and had a black stripe down the middle and it had black leather seats on the insides. "Nice car." I say getting in.

"You know what else it's nice for?" He asked smirking at me. "Sex." He winked and we sped off to school. We arrived only minutes later. He was a fast driver but not wreak less.

He surprisingly opened my door for me when we stopped. "Thanks you." I said in the nicest tone possible.

"Your welcome babe." He said. He put his arm around me as we walked up to the school but I wasn't all the disturbed by it. I really didn't mind at all. He met up with his friends but before we reached them he pulled me to the side. "Hey I'm gonna take you home. But before I want to show you something after school."

"Okay. Thanks for the lift." I say and I headed to my locker. He headed over to his friends. I met up with Mel and we went to first period together.

First, second, third, and fourth period were a drag. Lunch came around and that was a sign that the day was almost over. The rest of the school day I couldn't stop thinking about what he had to show me after school that was so important.

I waited outside in front of the school for Alex. I hear a group of guys come up behind me and I felt someone grab my bum. I turned around and punched whoever it was in the face. Bad idea. It was Shawn Goodwen. He was like the second bad boy in the group of five.

"Sarah your gonna regret that!" He growled at me. He balled his hand in a fist and he looked like he was gonna punch me when Alex jumped in front of me.

"Hey man. It's not cool to hit a girl. Plus she doesn't even have a hard punch, your fine. No blood or anything." Alex said trying to calm Jake down. Meanwhile I stood behind Alex like a wimp.

"Okay fine. But watch your back Sarah. next time fuck boy here won't be able to save you." he hissed. Him along with the other guys walked off together but Alex stayed behind.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"Your welcome. But be carful next time. He could have seriously hurt you. Wouldn't want that happening, now would we?" He asked.

"No, I really don't want to get punched in the face by Jake Goodwen." I admitted.

"Who does? Anyways this thing I need to show you." He said grabbing my hand and walking to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask. He acted like he didn't hear me.

I got in the car and as soon as I did he took off. I braced myself but not so well. My head almost hit the dash but I put my hand in front so I hit my hand rather the dash. He laughed and soon got into a gravel road. The rocks started hitting the car everywhere. "Maybe that's why your car looks like a piece of shit." I mumbled.

We soon stopped at the end of the road. Dead end of course and completely surrounded by forest. Great so if a guy with a chain saw attacks us we're dead.

"Why did we come here?" I demanded. He lurched at me before I knew what was happening. He smothered me with kisses trying to hold my face. I pushed him off. "What the actual fuck!?" I yelled.

"Come on babe. I know you want me." He grinned.

"Want you, um no. I don't "want" anyone. I want to keep my virginity through high school." I say disgustedly. Why they he'll did he think I wanted him? God that's nasty.

"Why do you want to keep it? I promise I won't bite. Well, not that hard anyways." He said thinking for a moment.

"Oh my god your disgusting! Get me home, now!" I demanded.

He sighed and turned on the engine. "I'm only taking you home because if I didn't that would be counted as rape and I don't need anything else on my record." He got back on the gravel rode and soon on the real rode.

"Isn't getting things on your record like a big deal to you and your gang? Like an accomplishment or something?" I asked still mad but cooling off slowly.

"No, I'm not into jail. Been there done that. Promised mama I wouldn't do it again." He said the last sentence quietly. "I plan on keeping thy promise believe it or not."

"Wow keeping your promises something I didn't think you could do." I say rolling my eyes.

"Only the promises that I make to the people that mean the most about me." He said quietly again. I turned to look at him and his face was expressionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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