chapter 2

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Andy pov

I was in the training room teaching the newbies I didn't want to but my mother and father made me cause they had important business to handle.

" alright everyone we are done for the day" I yelled nobody moved so i yelled again

"GET THE HELL OUT" I screamed everyone got up and ran i can finally go to my house where my parents are for some reason they did their business  there

Im so glad I dont have to go to the company today I own a successful company i get in my car

                          -Time skip-  Im pulling in the drive way I see a car I've never seen before but anyway i get out and walk to the door

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                          -Time skip-
Im pulling in the drive way I see a car I've never seen before but anyway i get out and walk to the door.

"Im home are you guys still here" I yelled as I walk into the living room

"In here Andy" Momma said in her sweet voice i was confused as to why she was speaking like that she dont unless someone is here

I walk in the living room and see three weird looking dudes

"Um hi?" I Said but it sound more like a question my mother looked at me and smiled

"Andy dear come sit we have something to tell you"

I did as told my father looked disgusted while he was looking at the boy with spiky hair he was beautiful he had a body shape like a girl with nice curves

"Who is this and what is going on tell me now" I said also asked

"So this is Remington Sebastian and Emerson they are brothers and their father ran away because he had a debut with us he gambled to much so he lost alot and he sold us his son Remington and we are giving Remington to you" Mom said i was shocked cuz how could you give your own son away

"WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed

"Whats the matter sweetheart dont you like the gift" mom asked wtf how could she ask me that

"No i dont like the gift because hes a person hes cute and all but wtf ma" i said.

"We wanted to give you him because he can get pregnant and we a heir to the gang and the company how wonderful" ma said I know why she did this

"Ma I get your trying to make me happy cuz im gay and you want a grand child but im not going to force him unless he wants to have sex with me its his choice" I said Remington looked shocked that i said that

"I dont mind having sex with you as long you get a child I've heard you want one so bad and im willing to give it to u" Remington said i was shocked

"Are you sure if your not okay with it I wont do it" I said

"I've been used all my life whats a little more" Remington said I felt my heart break hes been through alot.

"We have to leave remmy im sorry" Sebastian said giving Rem a hug with Emerson

"You and Remington has to have sex today" ma said Wtf me and him just met

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