Chapter 2

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Our conversation died down after a moment and the silence wasn't broken until a few minutes later, by Snape. "This may sound like a strange question, but who cuts your hair?"

"'s always been my gran, I guess, I don't think anyone else has ever done so, now that I think about it. Out of curiosity, why do you ask?" He was right, that did seem to be quite a strange question to just randomly ask.

"I wanted to know, because I happen to be the one who does everyone's hair around here. If you had said yourself or a professional, I was gonna leave it alone, but since you said your gran, I would like to know if you would like me to do it from now on." There was a strange look of hope in his eyes. Maybe he just really likes doing hair. I don't know.

"That would actually be wonderful. In fact, there's something I've wanted to do with it for a while now. Maybe you could help with that when we get done?"

He gave me the first ever real smile I had ever seen on him and replied, "Of course. Let's hurry up then, shall we. It's almost time for Tom and I to start lunch." I nodded along and got back to the task at hand, putting Trevor, in his cage, by the window sill.

When we were all finished, I turned to my companion in the room and waited for instruction. "You ready for this?"

"I'm ready."

"Then follow me over to my room." I did as told and followed him next door, into his room and into his connecting bathroom as well. His room was surprisingly cozy and his bathroom was smaller than I had imagined it would be.

"So what is it that you wanted to do with your hair? I personally have always felt that your current style fitted you, but I'm willing to do whatever."

I stood there, contemplating for a moment if I was really about to do this, if I really wanted him to cut off my hair. After a moment under his gaze though, I made up my mind. "I think you're right in regards to it suiting me. However, I would very much like to appear my age and therefore, would like for you to cut most of my hair off. Maybe leave about an inch and a half on the top and about half an inch on the sides?"

"Is this what you truly want?"

I didn't hesitate a second. "It is. This is what I want."

"Alright, then sit down on the toilet, take off your shirt, then we can get started."

As I took off my shirt, I could see the surprise in his eyes, most likely due to my muscles most people had no idea I had. Sure, I didn't have abs or super prominent arm muscles, but I've got a good v line going on and my arms are decently built. Nothing flops around anymore, it's nice and tight. After the surprise faded, I could see lust replacing it. He cleared his throat to knock himself out of it.

It didn't take long after that for him to start cutting my hair. He began using the scissors to take off big chunks, before switching to the razor. When he was done, I stood up and walked over to the mirror, while he cleaned up the hair and supplies. "Wow! Severus, this is amazing! Thank you so much!"

His surprise when he heard his first name was obvious, but he stayed quiet on the subject and walked over to stand behind me. "I'm glad you like it. I must say, it looks better than I had imagined it would. You actually look quite handsome. It fits well with your new muscle."

I looked at him in the mirror, his compliment seemed genuine. "Thank you."

At that moment, he made a brave move and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Is this okay with you?"

"It's more than okay, that actually feels pretty wonderful." He gave a small chuckle and turned me around in his arms. I didn't know what to do with my own arms, so I just laid them on his chest. I instantly felt a strange sensation and our eyes locked. I couldn't move. Something changed between us in that moment.

We stared for what seemed like hours, before he leaned in and placed a small kiss on by mouth. I was caught off guard, but I kissed back anyways. His lips were surprisingly soft and the kiss was surprisingly sweet, at least for the first couple minutes. The tension was growing and I could feel the pent up emotions from both of us trying to flow through this simple kiss. It became too much at one point and we both gave in. Before long, our tongues were clashing and we were kissing like we were starving.

I felt him lift me onto the sink counter and I dove my hands into his black locks, holding on for dear life as our bodies molded to each other, and our kiss intensified even more. At this point, we were so close that I could feel his erection against my own and damn did it feel good.

I don't know how long we stayed in this position, but in too short of time, I heard voices calling out in the hallway. "You left Severus alone with him?! Are you stupid?" Then Charlie and Remus came crashing in through the door, as Severus' hand was just reaching my dick. We broke apart quickly, looking like deer caught in headlights. "Severus, you know the rules." Remus said, clearly disappointed. "Come on, let's go, you have lunch to make anyways. Neville, put your shirt on please. I feel we have a need for a conversation."

Severus left and I followed Remus' instructions. When my shirt was on, he lead me to Severus' bed and we sat down, Charlie still standing by the doorway to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry I had to break that up. That was entirely Severus' fault. He has a tendency to ignore rules dealing with sex by accident. This is the reason we typically do not allow him to be alone with anyone when sex rules are in place. He is somewhat of a slut. Why? We have no idea, but we suspect this is the reason he needs so many mates. It's the only way we can keep him satisfied. I do see you still have a problem though, which you may relieve yourself in a moment. I once again apologize for having to break that up at such a stage, but do believe it is for your own good. Tomorrow, there will be no need and trust me, Severus will be the first to try to get his hands on you. With that being said, Charlie and I will leave you alone to adjust and relieve yourself. We will see you at lunch."

That was a lot to take in. So...Severus is a slut? That was something I didn't see coming. No one, I'm sure, ever imagined that one of their professors should turn out to be as such, especially taking a look at this man.

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