After Banishment

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a/n: This oneshot takes place right after Arthur banishes Gwen. It is Merthur. Let me know what you think by voting and commenting!


Merlin didn't see Arthur when he entered the King's chambers. The chaos of the past day had left Arthur entirely destroyed. Arthur had his head buried in his pillows, filling them with his tears. Merlin looked at the shaking king, and his heart broke. Gwen's adultery shattered Arthur's spirit. "Will he ever stop being betrayed?" Merlin thought.

Time for the comfort cycle. Merlin had gotten used to comforting Arthur. It usually took some time to cry it out, some affirmation, then liberation came. Merlin sat sideways on the bed, turned towards his friend. Arthur felt the shift in the bed as Merlin sat down, but he didn't care. A reassuring hand rested on his shoulder and Merlin started rubbing his back.

Merlin's touch soothed Arthur's disrupted breathing. "Arthur, sit up, you're going to drown in your tears." A touch of amusement laced his voice, trying to cheer up Arthur, but his heart wasn't in the joke. Arthur was not amused; He buried his head deeper into the pillow.

Merlin's own throat closed, close to tears himself. His heart broke for his two friends. He knew Gwen was in the wrong, but she was still his friend. He, of course, was mad at Arthur for banishing Gwen, but he was infinitely thankful that Arthur didn't kill her. Arthur had shown her mercy, but Arthur still felt terrible about it. Gwen's betrayal hurt him, but so did punishing her. "If only she told me she didn't want me anymore. I could've split it better. I thought we were happy," Arthur thought.

Arthur's crying dissipated as his energy drained. Merlin kept his hand on Arthur's back. Arthur sat up and wiped his eyes, bloodshot and red. Arthur's voice was hoarse from crying. "What did I do wrong?"

The desire to hug Arthur overwhelmed Merlin, but he remembered his place. He still wanted to comfort Arthur, though. Merlin placed his hand on Arthur's arm. "Nothing. You did nothing wrong." Arthur hung his head.

"I don't even know what was worse: Seeing them, or knowing that she lied to me. I feel awful."

Merlin cocked his head to the side. "Why do you feel bad? I know she hurt you, but it seems like there's more in your head than that."

Arthur winced. "Did I treat her well? Was it my fault? Did I push her away?" Merlin's stomach sank.

"You did nothing wrong, Arthur. It was her choice, and her mistake. You did the right thing." Arthur put his head in his hands again.

"I'm a horrible person. Why would I banish her?"

"Fuck it," Merlin thought. "He needs a hug." Merlin pulled the crumpled King into his arms and held him tight, rocking back and forth to sooth him. Arthur's sobs broke out again. "You're not a horrible person. You could've killed her, but you showed her mercy. You spared her. She gets to live another day because of you. It was honorable of you to make that resolution." Arthur clung to Merlin, as his words of reassurance grounded him to reality, dragging him out of his despair.

Merlin spoke again, his voice soothing the ache in Arthur's heart. "Do you want me to stay?" Arthur didn't have the strength to talk. Exhaustion clogged his brain; The only real thing in the world was Merlin's warmth wrapped around him. Arthur nodded. Merlin kicked off his shoes without letting go of Arthur. He pulled the blankets out from under them and laid down, Arthur still in his arms.

"Merlin?" Arthur nestled into Merlin, drowning in his scent, slipping away from the world into sleep.


"Is this what real love feels like?" Arthur's eyes closed when his words faded. Merlin leaned down and kissed Arthur's temple.

"Yes, it is."

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