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No quirks

No Smut




:D. Other then that enjoy :P

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V

Having 2 boyfriends isn't that hard... Except the fact that they both hate eachother. It can be really triggering sometimes.. As is If i gave Midoriya a kiss, Katsuki would get quite angry, even though he agreed to this realationship.. I just hope slowly, I can make them understand that i love them both and they need to learn some respect for eachother.

''Hey Kat'' I said walking over to my blonde boyfriend, 

''Hey Sho..'' Was the reply I got

''Whats wrong?'' I said to him sitting beside him

''Me and Deku sorta-'' He finished there

''Sorta what?'' I said with a look on my face -.-

''Me and Deku got into a fight'' My boyfriend said looking me dead in the eye

I had nothing to say, My boyfriends, I loved them both.. But I can't make them realize that .. One way.. I have to make them spend time together. Its simple. I'll have to be there of course because you know- I want both my boyfriends alive and Katsuki can get a little aggressive. With me even- But he never takes his full anger out on me. Hes taken it out on Midoriya a lot though

''So.. Im gonna have to settle this?'' I said looking at my boyfriend.

''Sho- What do you mean Settle this'' He said.

''We are going to spend a day together. Us 3'' I said with a sigh.

I loved my boyfriend and all.. But He needs to learn that I don't belong to him. I love them both and if they don't settle things then I'm gonna have to end our relationship.. It'll break me if I have to but It'll break them more. Katsuki seems all tough. But if you get to know him then hes a big softie.

''SHO'' He said whisper/ Shouting ''You can't make me do that''

''So You want me to leave just you to alone?'' I said with a smirk knowing the answer

''No..'' He said rolling his eyes ''But i want cuddles''

Of course I gave him his cuddles I told Midoriya the plan getting the same reaction just not as easy as it was for Kat. He yelled and screamed.. It was quite embarrassing, The fact we were in public near the store Starbucks so I agreed to buy him the drink he wanted.. So it was happening. I was gonna spend a day with my boyfriends! 

~The next Day~

So. I was going to pick up my Boyfriends. First stop was Kat. We didn't live together, we though it was to quick to be sharing a house. We barely kissed. Most thing we did was cuddle, Well at least me and Kat. Midoriya preferred to just mess around.  I loved him though, I didn't call him 'DEKU' Because when Kat and Midoriya were younger, Kat used that to say he was useless, Yet Midoriya didn't give his a rude nickname, He just called him 'Kaachan' Of course i don't call him that, I think its cute they have there own nicknames for eachother. Kat's house was in sight so I continued walking up to the door before knocking on it... Standing there for about 3 minutes. before he opened the door.

''Sorry Sho- I was trying to get dressed'' He said slipping on his hoodie which was a hoodie i remember his Mum giving him

''Its all right, I just have to go pick up Midoriya-'' I was quickly cut of

''Sho. Why don't you call Deku a nickname?'' He said looking up at me.

''hmm?'' I said as I started walking

''You Call me Kat.. Yet you don't have anything to call him'' - KATSUKI

''Oh, Well about that- I haven't thought of any good names'' - SHOTO

''Just call him Deku-'' - KATSUKI

''Thats your name or him'' I said looking at him

''Well then call him Izu'' He looked back walking behind me

''Ooh- Thats a nice name'' I smiled ''I'll use it from now on'' - SHOTO

''Yeah cause we call You Sho, And you didn't have a name for him so i thought-'' He quickly stopped himself 

''Sooo~ You do care about him, Thats cute'' I smirked as we turned a corned seeing a small boy with Red hair, And what looked like his Mum, A young girl with pink hair

''Shut it'' He said looking down as he started to blush

I smiled brightly and we continued walking looking around for Izu's house. It wasn't the biggest of house and he lived in it with his Mum, and his step- dad. Toshinori. I would usually invite Deku to my house but sometimes his Mum would invite me and Kat over to there house and would make us Tea, Homemade biscuits, scones and lots more. It felt nice. She treated me like her son, Sometimes I would nearly break down as My own Mum was in a Mental Hospital for smashing a bottle over my head. 

''Look it his house'' I heard Kat mumble

I looked up seeing Toshinori.

''Hello Mr. Yagi'' I smiled at him

''Please call me Toshinori, Young Todoroki. Young Midoriya's inside'' He smile and went back to wiping down a window.

''Thank you'' I smiled and took kat's hand ''Now Calm down, It's only his Mum, You must not have hurt him that much by getting in a small fight''

''Yeah'' He nods looking up putting on a fake smile

We started walking into the house smelling something that smelt really nice, We walked into the kitchen seeing Inko.

''Hi Katsuki, Hi Shoto'' She smiled and yawned ''Izuku is nearly done he wants to look nice for you two''

''Thank you Ma am '' I smiled looking at her ''What are you cooking today?''

''Im making pies'' She smiled and walked over to the oven 

We heard a loud crash as Midoriya came stumbling down the stairs with no T-shirt on.

''MUM!'' He yelled walking into the kitchen before noticing us ''I- Im so sorry-'' 

He turned his back to us

''Yes izuku'' She smiled at him

''I- I just wanted to know where My Plus Ultra shirt is'' He said not turning around

''Honey, Its on the clothes line, It is most likely dry'' She said pulling out a tray of 4 pies

''Yeah.. Sorry you two- Ill be back soon'' He said running of to where ever the clothes line is

Suddenly I felt Kat's head in my back, I could feel warmth which only means one thing, He was probably blushing

















A/N- So this is the first book I've written 1000+ Words in. Cuz Im lazy- Leave ships in the comments and what AU i should use.. Cause I will do part 2 of this cause like I'm bored.. Having Wattpad is fun even if its only to write on and have no followers, Its fun :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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