Part 33

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Paul woke suddenly holding his head in his hands due to the loud buzzing that was permeating the hotel room. Paul got up out of bed slowly using one arm to push himself up while the other laid by his temple as he felt the onset of a headache come on. Once he got himself sitting up on the bed, he got up out of the bed gingerly. "ugh...what happened last night..." Paul murmured to himself as he went to open up the curtains to let the sunshine into the room, but was met with an intense brightness. Reflectively, Paul moved his hand infront of his face to shield his eyes from the brightness. Paul then quickly moved his other hand to pull the curtains quickly closed.

"ugh I must have a migraine..." Paul murmured to himself yet again as he walked to the bathroom.

Once he closed the door behind him Paul looked at himself in the mirror. "Holy crap! I look like shit!" Paul yelled as he continued to look at his reflection and touched under his eyes at the dark circles under them. "what the hell happened to me last night?" Paul asked to himself.

As he continued to look at himself in silence he noticed a sound that he hadn't noticed before since he had gotten up out of bed. He knew that it was coming from somewhere in the bathroom, since it sounded so close to him. Paul looked down at the sink and saw the blow dryer, Ava's, that was still plugged in. "you've got to be kidding me..." Paul said in astonishment as he came to the realization that he was hearing the electricity coursing through the outlet and into the wires that were connected to the blow dryer.

Paul unplugged the blow dryer in hopes that it wasn't it, that he was just hearing things. Once he unplugged the blow dryer, of course the buzzing sound that he once heard stopped. Paul took a shaky breath and looked his reflection in the mirror again. "what the fuck happened to me...." He said as he swallowed, now noticing how dry his throar was. Paul took a plastic cup from the stack that was on the sink and turned the faucet on and filled the cup and drank it, quickly realizing that that wasnt enough as he filled the cup up again and drank the water down in one gulp, and his dry throat still hadn't gone away.

As Paul was filling up the cup up again for a third time he caught a noise quickly approaching the hotel room. He listened intently as it got closer and closer. He stepped out of the bathroom, with the cup still in his hand and continued to listen as the sound stopped right outside the hotel room and he heard some shuffling and an audible beeping noise as the door was opened revealing Ava.Once Ava walked into the room and saw that Paul was awake she gave him a hesitant smile.

"hey! Your awake how are you feeling?" Ava asked

"You have the nerve to ask me how I'm feeling? How do you think I feel I don't remember what happened after you showed up at the bar! Plus I woke up with this really horrible headache, possible a migraine 'cause I went to open the curtains and I cant stand the light outside...and now I have a dry throat...I've already drank like three cups of water and its not helping. How the hell do you think I'm doing!" Paul ranted as he downed the cup of water and threw it on the floor in frustration. "Ava what the fuck did you do to me!" Paul shouted at her

"I can explain ok! Just let me explain!" Ava yelled back as she sat down on the bed and took a deep breath. "I kinda went off the deep end last night ok...and I wasn't all there...and well I bit you...and fed you my blood and your like me..." Ava said slowly looking at the floor.

"You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me right now!" Paul screamed

"Paul you've got to calm down alright your emotions are all over the place right now just take a deep breath alright." Ava said slowly as she took her hands in his and pulled him to sit next to her on the bed.

Paul sat down next to her and started to take a couple deep breaths and found that his anger was slowly going away. After a couple minutes after the anger did finally subside did he speak again.

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