What Have I Done?

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Word Count: 966

   Naruto dashed home, slamming the front door behind him, he leaned up against the door and allowed his legs to give way as he sat on the floor. His head and heart were throbbing, still red in the face, as he continued to take deep breaths, he dazed in front of him, not looking at anything specific. He could only hear his heart pounding through his chest, and suddenly his head and waist started aching. 'Why do they hurt so much' he rubbed the areas where Kakashi had touched him until someone pulled him into his mind.

Naruto's mind~

   He found his friend laughing his head off 'What happened Naruto?' Kurama roared in laughter, to see his friend still in shock.
   "Hey shut up, I wasn't expecting that." He began to rage at the fox with his feelings at there peek. 'After all this time, you still haven't kissed a girl, but you still guys.' Kurama continued to laugh at Naruto's expression "you should have told me to leave." He pointed a finger to his huge friend, accusing him of the situation, Naruto is now in 'hey I told you to leave, but no you wanted to steer at your teachers face longer.' The laughter from the fox stopped as he composed himself, Naruto blushed and looked the other way 'Something the matter, Naruto?' Kurama could see something tearing into the boy's heart, Naruto just shook his head "I rather not say, it's embarrassing." His face turned into a tomato, as he thought about Kakashi. 'Maybe the feelings about him will go away over time.' Naruto thought heavily to himself as he left Kurama and back to the real world.

Outside Naruto's mind~

   He got up and went into his bathroom to have a bath, after a good clean he changed his clothes and head off the bed, with his head still swirling about the kiss, making him blush, but he eventually fell asleep.


   A couple of weeks had passed since the incident in Kakashi's bedroom, and Kakashi has had enough waiting for Naruto to talk to him, and he's been avoiding Kakashi ever since that night.
   "This has to end." He said to himself as he put his book away in one of his pockets, and dashes off to find Naruto. First, he started at the ramen stand, he asked if they've seen Naruto, but the owner and his assistant said they haven't seen Naruto for nearly two weeks, so Kakashi dashed to training grounds, nothing. He heads to the Kage faces on top of the mountain, still nothing, he continued his search, but still couldn't find him. But there was one other place he hadn't looked, his house, he raced there, standing outside his front door and knocking strong but gently on the door.

   "Coming." He heard a voice inside the apartment, the door handle twisted, opened and there stood his favourite blond, Naruto gulp a breath of air, as his Sensei stood before him. "Hello, Naruto," Kakashi said calmly, happy to see Naruto safe and sound "Can I come in." Naruto hesitated for a moment before opening the door wider and backing off the let his Sensei in. Kakashi waked in and closed the door behind him. That door closing was Naruto's signal of doom, Naruto raised his hand to direct Kakashi to his couch, without saying a word. Kakashi sat down, and the silence grew longer, but his Sensei patted the couch to signal Naruto to sit. Hesitating for a few seconds, then finally sitting beside his former teacher, he tried to take calm and deep breaths, as he began to blush.

   "Are you alright Naruto?" Kakashi was worried for the boys well being, Naruto blush more and shook his head "No nothing's wrong Sensei." Naruto tried speaking strongly but his voice was all shaky. "Your lying Naruto, and don't say your not." Naruto tried to fire something back at his teacher but, it's true there was something wrong with him, but by Kakashi being here was making everything worse. Kakashi sighed as silence returned between the two. "Listen Naruto." Kakashi prepared himself to confess his feelings "I'm sorry for what happened that night, the truth is that I've had this feeling about you for a very long time, and by expressing my feelings have obversely scared you, and I need to apologise for my actions." Naruto looked up at his Sensei listening to every word his former teacher had to say.

   "The truth is that I.." Naruto's eyes widen as Kakashi placed one hand on his face, and the other hand to pull his mask down.
   "I love you Naruto." Naruto's face turned from a tinted pink to beetroot red, in an instant, as Kakashi placed a quick gentle kiss on Naruto's lips before Naruto jumped up and raged at Kakashi "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU CAN JUST DO STUFF LIKE, THAT." Pointing a finger at Kakashi, he got up and tried to calm Naruto down by pulling him into another gentle kiss. Naruto tried to fight out of the lustful moment and did something he would soon regret. a hand slapped across Kakashi's face, causing his former Sensei face to turn in an angle that the slap gave him. He stumbled back with his hand on his cheek, as it swelled up and turned red, his eyes widen and his pupils shrunk, this was the one thing he feared most. Silence fell over the room again, as Naruto looked at his now red hand, from the slap, he realised he had hurt one of the closest people to his heart, he reaches out to Kakashi, but his Sensei covered up his face, and dashed out the window before Naruto got a chance to explain himself. "What have I done."

Cause Kurama Said So (Naruto x Kakashi) Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now