disclaimer & summary

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Six years ago the famous bad ass hunter Kate Argent set fire to the Hale house, killing many innocents.

Not many survived but some did like Peter Hale and Hayley Mitchell. Fortunately for Hayley she made it out alive without a single burn unlike Peter who had gone into a coma with his whole right side burned.

If you're wondering who Hayley is by now, she's Derek Hale's best friend or should I say was his best friend.

The morning of the fire was the last time she had seen Derek since he went storming out of the house because of their fight over his girlfriend who just happened to be Kate.

But that all changes one night after Hayley decides to return to Beacon Hills because of the mysterious killings that were occurring.

And she just happens to run into the one person she thought was dead.

Note from ME! =D

Yeah so this might sound familiar to all you guys who had read my other book All This Time.

I decided to rewrite it since it was horrible and basically had no plot to it. This one is going to be way better since I actually know what I'm doing here.

I also just want to say that I DO NOT own Teen Wolf or any of the plots from this beautiful creation Jeff Davis decided to make.

I DO however own Hayley and all her plots that are not on Teen Wolf.

Plagiarism is NOT acceptable! If I find anyone copying my stories, I'll pull a Derek and rip your throat out...with my teeth!

This is a Derek Hale fan fiction for any of you who don't know. I'm really excited for this and I hope you are too.

These updates are probably gonna be really slow and I'm sorry for making you all go through that kind of pain.

If you don't have very much patience I totally understand cause neither do I.

Until then...so long and farewell.

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