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I jumped into my already messed up bed cuddled down and laid awake for a few minutes until I feel asleep.


DING!DING!DING!DING! Bright and early my alarm goes off. Today is Wednesday..... I question myself. I roll over and grab my water off my nightstand. I take a swallow and roll out of bed. I throw my hair up into a messy bun, put on some slippers, and ran downstairs.

"Hey mom," I say in a happy-go-lucky tone.

"Good morning sunshine."she returned including the tone.

I grab a blue berry muffin and put it in a zip-lock bag for on my way to school. I go to my room and put on uniform, including socks,shoes,and clothing. I pull my hair up into a neat bun in the back of my head, except one slight sliver of hair that escaped the bun. I put on a layer of base,mascara,and some lip gloss and check the time, 6:07,about fifteen minutes until I had to leave I brush my teeth and grab my book sack and purse. I slip a dollar bill into my pocket. It's Wednesday, I have today and tomorrow and then I leave for concert mania.

I put on some head phones and listen to music as I wave good-bye to my parents. As I walk to school I see the bus to pick up Elaine, for highschool. I get out the blue berry muffin and eat it along the way, I was delighted it was still warm. I walk into the school and my teacher was on bus duty.

"Hey, Eliza"said Miss William

"Hey," I responded as I walked into school

I sit down in the gym and there comes Molly, my bff.

"Hi"she says quickly

"Hi, what's up,"I say back

" Super excited to be going with you to the Concert thing."

"Same here."

"Who are the other two people your inviting?" she said questionably

"Josh and of course Dannie." I respond back happily

"Oh yeah you already told me that already..opps" she said back in a silly manner.

"ye" the bell cut me off.

"See you in fifth hour "I say as I'm walking away.


As I walk into first hour I meet Josh outside.

"Hey, what's up" he says

"Excited..."I respond quickly

Josh wasn't the classic bad boy, he had black hair that went to his blue eyes, a leather jacket, and was well bad, but sweet. Unlike most bad boys he wasn't popular, more ,well, like me-infamous. On a daily basis

people would tell us that we needed to get together, Josh likes the idea , but I don't , I just don't see him that way. He still gets along with life and isn't obsessed over me, which I like because he is a really good friend.

"Yea, me to, have you started packing? "

"Yea I'm almost done," I responded as we walked into the class.

  He gave a cheesy smile and sat down. I sat on the other side of the class room in the second to last row sitting behind me is laura. Ugh. I feel a tug on my long, curly, red hair. I turn around and see laura holding a piece of my hair. Gasps. It wasn't long enough to be unbelievable, and considering I was getting my hair cut tomorrow, and it wasn't long enough to be evidence if she hid it. It was long enough to make a slight difference though.

"ELIZA" my teacher yells,"What is the problem"

"She she c... nothing....."I mumble.

  "Can I move, she scared me when she stared at me like that, I'm not into that kind of relationship."Laura said loud enough for the whole class to hear.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I mumbled as I got up and pulled down my hair the rest of the way. I could feel them staring. I didn't care, well did, but I was mortified already.

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