Chapter 5 The next day breakfast

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Vivian's P.O.V

Me and the girls woke up at 8:am and made our way to to kitchen to make some breakfast for ourselves but Sebastian and Claud beat us to it, so I smiled and said

"Morning guy's"

"Good morning miss"

"Sebastian I told you to Call me Vivi"

"Apologies my lady but I can't cut off my habits"

"Well then, I suggest you start practicing now huh?"

He chuckled,

"you look better today miss" said Claud,

"Well of course she did, cause she woke up on the right side of the bed." Say's Eiko, then I noticed that Sebastian and Claud knows how to use modern day Equipment's. I'm very impressed that they know how to use it.

"How do you know how to use modern day equipment's?" I asked and Sebastian answered,

"Because we've been observing you miss"

"You have?"

"Yes, while you were cooking, we've been observing of what you were doing while me and the other's were as feline's before we met your friend Daniel"

"Oh I kinda forgot about that." 'But I guess that Explains why they were stalking me I suppose' I thought, but then I noticed Sanae is not happy right now, I wonder why.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked then Sebastian answered,

"Today we are serving chocolate waffles or blueberry waffles, with choice of toppings and some fruit salad" 

"Sounds good but you don't have to make breakfast for us you know, besides I don't mind doing all the work, and plus you are guest not servant's" I said, Sebastian smiled and said

"I am thankful for your concern about me but I insist you let me cook breakfast for you, it's the least we can do to repay you after what you've done for us while we were cursed as feline's but if we did let you cook breakfast for us then-"

" 'then what kind of butler would you be really?'" I cut him off, then I looked at him with a shocked look on his face, it was funny cause this is the first time I seen him like this in person, so I couldn't stop giggling, then Sebastian raced his brow and asked

"Something amusing my lady?"

"No not at all, you see this might sound crazy but I already know what you going to say because I've been watching you from a show called Black butler, I'm not sure you might believe me but you see, you and the others aren't from the past. I mean you are but from a different dimension and a different time because of that person who had curse you and sent you here as cats. So I guess that explains how I know what you were going to say and-"

 I didn't know how it happened but, I was suddenly pressed against the wall by Sebastian, even my friends were shocked, Eiko was just standing there looking surprised because she didn't saw that coming, Maddie was blushing and covering her eyes but took a quick peek, and Sanae looked like she was heartbroken while Sebastian has his hands on either on the side of my head, just like Black Butler episode 17, he pinned the nun on the wall trying to flirt with her for some answers. 

'why is he pinning me? did I do something wrong?' I thought, but then Sebastian whispered

"I believe you miss, and I'm glad you know who I really am, now I must wake the young master and tell him that breakfast is ready, why don't you go dining the area, breakfast will be ready in the moment."

"o-ok" he snicker's leaving me and the girls but he did not say anything about leading us to the dining room. Then I noticed that William is already awake and he is reading a book from the book shelf, 

"Morning William"

"Good morning miss Vivian"

I went over to the table sitting next to William, then I start sulking,

"God I'm hopeless" I mumbled and then William closed the book and asked

"is Something the matter Vivian?"

"Nothing really, it's just that Claud and Sebastian are doing everything for me and it's annoying" I grumbled while my face was on the table.

"Hmm, I find them rather infuriating myself... For a multitude of reasons" I looked at him and said. "No I mean that, I like doing things myself, I just don't like when people just to stuff for me even though I'm suppose to do my chores but I like doing things myself, you know, 'be Independent'." 

William was shocked after what I just said,

"Huh, I never met a human who didn't like it when somebody else did the work for them."  William said matter of faculty. 

"Well not everyone is the same you know? Some people love doing there chores and some of them don't, you see I've always been alone for a very long time, but not anymore thanks to you and the others, I'm not alone anymore, because I have you and the others. It might sound weird but, it feels like we're already family, here at home." 

Eiko and the other two girls were stunned after what I said, even William was surprised after hearing my words. 'I really hope that this moment will last' I thought

Williams P.O.V

"Well not everyone is the same you know? Some people love doing there chores and some of them don't, you see I've always been alone for a very long time, but but anymore, thanks to you and the others, I'm not alone anymore, because I have you and the others. It might sound weird but, It feels like we're already family here at home." 

'Family?' this is the first time I heard someone considered us as there family, Vivian is to Innocent for her own good, that is the reason Why I must protect her, no matter what.

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