Episode 2 Part 3

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In Tiny's room, Tiny was at his mirror looking in it while drinking a bottle that said "Glitter-Aid" Then Guy knocks on the door and comes in

Guy: Hey son, Poppy wanted you to be ready for your own final act just in case. We think Trollex and Delta leaving on the same show without telling anyone but you are a bit strange. So Branch and Cole have gone to check on them.

Tiny turns to his father

Tiny: That's great! I'll get my costume! (He runs to his dressing cupboard and takes a silver speedo out of it on a hanger) I knew buying this for the act would be worth it, and the ladies will love it.

Guy: Good! (He was about to walk out of the room but stops and looks back at his son) A Tiny, you aren't hiding something from me, are you?

Tiny: Why do you think I would be hiding something from you, it's not like I am.

Guy: I know, before Trollzart's cooking segment, I saw you on his ingredient trolley. What were you doing?

Tiny: Oh, I was looking if I could taste one of the ingredients without no one knowing.

Guy: Oh, okay. I thought you were the sabotager.

Tiny: Yeah, right. Hehe (Sigh).

Guy: I don't know why, I should have known you wouldn't have done something like that. 

Tiny: Yeah, of course, I wouldn't. 

Guy: Well, the final act will be in 10 minutes, so be ready! (He walks out of the room and closes the door on him)

After the door closes, Tiny just thinks about what he has done

Tiny: Oh man, what have I done.

Then, Tiny's reflection comes to life and starts to talk to him

Mirror Tiny: Oh come on, your idea is fine! 

Tiny turns to his mirror

Tiny: Yeah, but I didn't know it would be this chaotic! I nearly even got the whole stage blown up and nearly got Cole chopped up into sushi! 

Mirror Tiny: Yeah, but that was Poppy's fault for putting Riff on for the Cowboy Act and she should have had Hickory take Trollex's place, he can dodge. But that's not the point, the point is, your gonna show them that you can be just like them.

Tiny: But what about at the end of the show, I have to let out Trollex, Delta and Clampers, they will tell Poppy about me locking them in that broom closet.

Mirror Tiny: Simple, you brive them not to tell Poppy and forget what happened.

Tiny: But they aren't, I nearly got a tone of people hurt just because I wanted to do the final act. I can't live with that, I'm gonna tell Poppy.

Mirror Tiny: But when she finds out, she might ban you from being on the Trollstopia Show, she might not even let you watch the show!

Tiny: Well, it's better than being a selfish Troll!

Mirror Tiny: Oh no, you aren't telling her!

TIny: Oh yes I am! (He grabs a glitter ball out of his hair and throws it at the mirror)

When the glitter ball hit the mirror it covered it with silver glitter covering the mirror completely

Tiny: Oh thank God he's gone!

Backstage, Poppy and Barb were waiting for Branch and Cole to come back when Guy walks to them

Guy: Hey guys, Tiny is standing by.

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