As Soon As

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"What has gotten into you these days? You usually pay so much attention to what I say" Karlie leaned her body to the side, resting her elbow on the counter next to where Taylor was pourig herself some coffee. She was staring at Taylor, head hanging curiously to the side.

Taylor looked to the side, watching as sneaky as she could the face of the younger girl. Her eyes scanned fast over her features before smirking lightly. "Sorry, my mind is just too crowded right now."

"I was worried something was bothering you but I can see in those beautiful blue eyes" the model touched the tip of taylor's nose who scrunched it immediately in a adorable expression "that you are more distracted than bothered, am I right" Martha entered the room before Taylor could answer. "Are you coming with me, Karlie?" She nodded then turned again to Taylor, who now wasn't paying attention to her. "Can I borrow your sweater? I get this feeling I'll freeze out there"

Taylor chuckled before opening her mouth "You know where it is"

Karlie smiled her ridiculous beautiful smile "I do know. Thanks, love. I'll text you later" she kissed her on the cheek and went to grab the piece of cloth. She was midway to the door but stopped, walking back to taylor's kitchen. She placed her hands on the wall, balancing herself on one foot. Her frame leant to the side. From where taylor was she could only see Karlie's head. "Hey you" Taylor looked over her shoulder furrowing her eyebrows. Karlie blew her a kiss and winked jokingly. Taylor admitted to herself at that moment that yes, it was possible to love karlie even more. She shook her head laughing "Just go, Kar. You are gonna be late"

The taller girl pouted "No need to be rude, Swift." Her tongue sticking out in childish manner. "You'll still tell me what's on your mind." She now was already with her hand clutching the doorknob, out of Taylor's sight. "Bye" the singer shouted.

Taylor gripped on the counter and sighed promising to herself that she would tell her everything the next time she saw her. Karlie deserved to know. That was it. "I'll do it. As soon as possible."

She went to the living room searching for her phone so she could listen to some music. That was the only way she would distract herself now.


Karlie was inside the elevator alongside Martha. Her eyes were closed while she waited for the doors to open. She snapped out suddenly "Damnmit. I forgot my keys at her appartment"

"Go take them. I'll be waiting here" The blonde said slipping out of the elevators when they reached the floor.


The door swung open just as she found her phone on the couch. Taylor cursed a few words almost inaudibly when she saw who was it "Hey, Taylor. I forgot my k-" Karlie shouted until noticing that the singer was at the same room as her.

"Okay, that was fast"

"You are right! I usually take the whole day to realise I've forgotten something here." Karlie pondered over the joke. Looking at the ceiling with her hand on ther chin. Her adorable smile made an appearence quickly.

"I wasn't talking about that" Taylor said approaching her slowly, uncertain of what she was about to do. Karlie looked down at her confused, eyebrows knitted together. Taylor noticed how she was already wearing the sweater, it made her heart warm inside her chest. It made her whole body warm to be more precise. "Then, what is it?"

Taylor took her time, looking at her eyes, holding her gaze to what it seemed like forever. Karlie was so lost on those ocean blue painted orbs that everything surrounding them had faded to her. She couldn't even notice how her best friend was nervous in front of her. A buzz on her pocket woke up her from her daydream "U-um... Martha is waiting for me and I'm gonna be late for the meeting, is it something that requires much more time?"

Taylor shook her head no and with a second of courage she threw her hands up, grabbing the model's face and kissing her. It all happened so fast, Karlie didn't have the time to react. Instead, she stood there with her eyes that never closed inspecting taylor's face. She watched the girl go from scared to worried and then scared again. But she saw hope in those eyes at the same time. She shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe this! It did require more time!" Taylor hadn't shown signs of understanding under her words, but definitely got what the girl meant when she felt lips on her own again in a simple but breathtaking kiss. "Did you really think I would be able to go right after that without wanting more, Taylor?" Karlie asked rethorically giving Taylor inumerous pecks and they both chuckled, easeness settling between them. It was always there but now it held a whole new level. Karlie played with a strand of Taylor's hair. Her senses worked together displaying the gorgeous show the girl in front of her was but then her eyelids closed the curtains and let her nose have its time doing what it was up to it. Right now it was not breathing the main function but to fill her insides with the singer's scent. Her ears caught the sound of a heartbeat but she's sure that was made up by her mind as this one was intoxicated with all the feelings involved at that moment.

Her skin was working to acknowledge every single shiver that ran by Taylor's body once her hands started making small circles  on her hips. Whilst Taylor was with her eyes open but her gaze was focused on one's lips. She watched her tongue timidly dampen her lips and that small smile that just wouldn't leave that face. Foreheads touching this whole time.

"As far as I'm sad to say this, there's a meeting you should be attending right now", Taylor said and the taller girl sighed. Their fingers were laced together and she spoke. Lips brushing, a result from their closeness. "You know I'll be back", she kissed her nose, "as soon as it is over". Taylor laughed at her honesty and Karlie could feel it vibrating everywhere until it ended up in a smile plastered on her face. The singer kissed her again, tenderly. "I won't complain"


"Why did you take so long?" Karlie kept walking to the car, ignoring Martha's question, obviously not on purpose. Her smile was bigger than usual, what is really difficult to Karlie Kloss. She snapped her fingers to call the model back to Earth, "well, did you find the keys?" Only then that the brunnette realised she didn't get her keys. She shook her head "No, but I found something that I didn't know I was looking for". Both entered the car soon falling on a comfortable silence. The blonde girl was looking through the window, sometimes glancing at Karlie with a knowing smirk. The tall girl didn't pay much attention as she herself was smiling so big looking at the city as the car slowly walked out of traffic. Something came to her mind. Her head snapped to Martha's direction, "you know something!"

The model scoffed "Of course I know something. Everybody does. I'm baffled you didn't". Karlie shook her head in disbelief with her mouth open in shock, even like that you could see a hint of smile on her face. "God, now you will never stop smiling" Martha teased.

"Never" and she threw her head back laughing, eyes closed covered by her sunglasses. But really, how could you possibly stop smiling when you have just been kissed by Taylor Swift?

Really short one but I found this on my notes and thought it was good enough to post. Sorry if there are many mistakes, it's really late and my brain is not functioning right haha
Tried changing a little bit so there should be even more mistakes than the first draft - sorry again.
Thank you for reading!

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