Preference #3

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Preference #3

How he says sorry.

Niall - You and Niall had the worst fight you have ever had, normally you two don't fight but this time you both had said some really nasty things . TYou ran out the flat and to your friends house to stay the night. In the middle of the night you get a call from Liam. "hey (Y/N), Niall has gone completely Mad, he is absolutely wasted and is throwing his things around the flat, no one can calm him down, he keeps shouting your name. I think you need to come" after that you drove straight back to yours and Niall flat, Liam was right. There was broken glass and furniture everywhere, this wasnt the only thing that was broken. You saw Niall crying on the floor, Liam trying to calm him down. He kept saying your name and how much he loved you, he hadnt even noticed you had walked in because he was in such a state, it just instantly broke your heart. You ran over to Niall and picked him up, which was a hard task seeing as he looked like he was going to pass out with how much he had drunk. You saw Liam walk out giving you and Niall some privacy. (Y/N)! I'm so sorry princess I th-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as he passed out in your arms. You pulled him into your bed and got in with him. "I'm sorry too Niall" you said before resting your head on his shoulder.

Harry- You and Harry had Gotten into a argument over something completely stupid so you decided to walk out and let some steam out, you and Harry usually argued over the stupidest things and always you forgave each other because your love was so strong. After you let off some anger you walked back to your house to find Harry wasn't there, you thought he had left when you reached your bedroom, he had scattered rose petals over the bed spelling "sorry" you laughed at how much effort he had gone to do this, usually he wouldn't do this. Harry came into your bedroom and both of you ran into each others arms saying how sorry you both were. "You went through all this effort for me?" you asked and Harry laughed pulling you onto the bed. "Of course babe, I love you " he said kissing you on the lips.

Louis - You and Louis always had banter going on, saying stupid things to each other, but this time he went too far. You were currently shopping so you walked off, fighting back the tears. Louis tried following you but you ran into the ladies room, this time he didn't follow you. After cleaning yourself up in the bathroom you heard Louis voice boom through the speakers around the mall. "(Y/N) I am so sorry babe, I am an absolute douche sometimes, now please come out of the ladies toilets because- hey give me it back" he said, you giggled and walked out of the ladies room to see all the shoppers listening, your glance stopped on Louis who was currently been taken away from the mall by the malls secrurity. You ran up to him and pulled him away from the security pulling him into a long kiss.

Zayn - You and Zayn were with the boys when Zayn let out one of you're big secrets, you had trusted him with it, no one else knew but him and he told everyone in the room, that's what hurt the most. When he realised he had let out you're secret he stood up, walking over to you. You pushed him away and walked out of the room, not wanting to see his face. You didnt see Zayn for three days, and avoided him at all costs. You were sat at home in bed really missing Zayn, when a rock hit your window. You ran to your window, it was pitch black but you could just make out Zayn stood there, you smiled at his presence. "(Y/N) I am so sorry, I just miss you so much, I really hate myself for letting out your secret, it was the worst thing I have ever done in my life ! Please just forgive me, I don't want to lose you I love you too much" he shouted from your garden." yeah and I love my sleep now shut up" one of your neighbours shouted, making you and Zayn laugh. You ran to your front door and unlocked it to see Zayn there. "I forgive you babe" you Say, as he pulled you into a kiss.

Liam- Liam and you hardly ever disagreed or got into a fight but right now that all changed. You climbed into a taxi when Liam stood in front of it. "Your not leaving with my world sat in the back " he said to the driver. The driver just reversed and drove out of the street, you turned to look at Liam out the back window. He was knelt on the ground crying, you told the driver to stop the taxi. You quickly ran out the taxi grabbing your suitcase and ran towards Liam . " I'm so sorry (Y/N)" he said standing up and twirling you Round. " I know" you whispered resting your head on his shoulder.

Woo another one yay, i know its the second but happy new year guyss :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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